Yesterday while browsing the algorithms tag, I came across this question, which at the time had already received 2 downvotes and 2 close votes:
0/1 knapsack with dependent item weight?
It's a question about a variation on the 0/1 knapsack problem, with some additional constraints added. The question is clearly stated, and shows research effort. Some links are provided, along with a description of an attempt to solve the problem. Unfortunately, the asker had stepped on an SO landmine in his closing paragraph by asking if there was any research into solutions for this problem, instead of just asking for solutions to the problem, which qualifies as asking for an "off-site resource".
This seemed rather harsh to me, because the question was perfectly fine in my opinion except for that line, which could be easily have been addressed with a comment suggesting an edit, but it's technically true that it's off topic. Since no-one had bothered to explain, I left this comment:
It seems like your question got some downvotes. I don't really agree with the downvoters, but it was probably because you asked if there was any research into this problem, which could be interpreted as asking for an "off site resource" which is off topic.
and the asker immediately edited the question to fix this. Nevertheless, the downvotes were not reversed and by this morning it had received 3 more close votes and is now closed for the exact reason that I had commented on and the OP had fixed.
I feel like this kind of thing is just wasting a lot of people's time. What is the point of commenting and helping the OP to improve their question if it gets closed anyway?
Aggressive downvoting and voting to close on the algorithms tag is a common pattern, but unfortunately it's not very consistent. For example, here is a very similar (but not duplicate) question to the one above that received upvotes and a good answer:
Knapsack with mutually exclusive items
It's the same basic premise: how to solve a well-known algorithm with a few extra constraints added.
Off topic?
It could be argued that non-language specific algorithms questions belong on the Computer Science Stack Exchange site, but if that's the case why do we even have the algorithms and language-agnostic tags? Why are some of these purely algorithmic questions highly upvoted while others are closed? I'm also not sure that the people on the CS site would appreciate many SO algorithms questions being migrated there either: from browsing that site the level at which the questions are asked is a lot higher and they wouldn't want a zillion variations on how to find the permutations of a string or minor variations on well-known problems.
Too broad?
For some reason, a lot of algorithms questions get close votes for being "too broad". I don't know why that is, given that most of them are well specified and can be answered with a 5-10 line description of an algorithm and a paragraph of explanation. Perhaps the close voters are not aware that these seemingly complex problems can have simple and straightforward solutions?
Asking the impossible?
I suspect that there actually is no good answer to the original question as the algorithm the OP is asking for does not exist, but if so, that is the answer that should be provided. To downvote/close for that is circular reasoning: the OP shouldn't need to know the answer to their question (or if there is an answer) in order to judge whether it is an acceptable question, if they did know that then they wouldn't need to ask in the first place.
So, can I get a definitive answer about whether asking questions about algorithms on SO is on topic, and if so, can people stop downvoting and voting to close as if they aren't?
tag was created. One of the themes of SO/SE is that what was acceptable a few years ago may not be acceptable today.