I recently bumped into this question and I saw that the user has Spanish names for variables and etc. like that:
var textbuscar = document.getElementById("buscar");
Being non-English speaker I still believe that using native (non-English) language (where not necessary) is hurting readability and understanding of code.
Thus I am concerned - should I provide (if I can) an edit where I will replace all local-language variables and stuff with English ones if I find the usage of those excessive?
var textSearch = document.getElementById("search");
of an element. If you wouldn't rename a variable namedx
, why rename an element namedbuscar
(or variable namedtextbuscar
)? You don't need to know the meaning of the word to see whether it matches usage elsewhere in the code. Also, language has nothing to do with race, so you might consider rephrasing that middle paragraph.static bool FraNuklEkorAffDeeta(Ramulk r, Date jobingaTor, Granu g) { return (r.Protpork + jobingaTor) > g.KnabMoDeeta; }
? I don`t think thats readable