This got closed as a dupe, but I still wanted a popup for images.
So I made this tampermonkey
(not optimezed yet, but it does get the job done)
Straight to the point:
When clicking on an image, the user is redirected to the image (in the same window).
That is counter productive, imho.
Can we open it inside a popup (lightbox-ish) or at least in a new tab (without holding Ctrl
A bit of context:
Yes, on SO, images are rarely useful (lots of code screenshots).
But in some cases, the user does add relevant details to the issue by posting a screenshot/image. If this weren't the case, we'd probably remove image support altogether.
So what I'm suggesting is that, if a contributor does want to help out and clicks the image, don't make the process more laborious (sometimes the website loads slow, the image itself may load slow, summing up some wait-time with this back-and-forth).
It's great that we have a nice community here and help each other, let's make it simpler!
I did some searching but all I found was:
On click open image link to the next tab (2015)
Is there/Can we get an easy way to view full size images? (2015) which is a duplicate of
Show attached images in bigger resolution when we click on it (2014)
Note: the last link does have a comment supporting popup display of images.
Also, it is not a duplicate of any of these. This post suggests opening the images in a popup (and only as a last resort a new tab)
Let the vote onslaught begin ;)
And it seems i wasn't wrong :)
I am aware of markdown limitations and even browser/user settings.
But I'm just sayin', it's 2016 and we still view images like in the ol' days.
Yeah, one could even do Copy image location
wget --output-document logo.png \
https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/d2f2059bf003de1adcf05b16aeecd5f4?s=64&d=identicon&r=PG \
&& sleep 1 && gpicview logo.png
But... why complicate things?
I get that users here hate images, but that's another issue. It's caused my the massive misuse of image uploads. I myself have seen/flagged/commented posts with images of code.
I'm talking here about 'good' images. And yes, there are a bunch of them.
Stackechange is full of javascript. This page alone has 12 <script>
There is already a similar popup. The one shown when hovering the user profiles logo (for users with extended details - I have one, Cerbrus too..).
So why neglect UX?