I asked a question a few days ago and another user and I got into discussion in the comments. We then transferred this communication to the chat, but it seems that it no longer exists. I assume that it got cleaned up due to inactivity.
So far everything's fine.
When opening the chat however the site displays a banner telling me I need at least 20 reputation to talk there:
I think I am well over that limit here on StackOverflow and while the "Page not found" error seems to be fine, the reputation limit banner is a bug in my opinion.
UPDATE: I just tried to find out whether I am logged in on chat. It says "Spontifixus" in the header, but still shows the not enough rep warning:
UPDATE2: Both screenshots were made on a Windows 8.1 machine. The first screenshot was taken using Chrome 48.0.2564.97, with some ad-blocking plugins installed. The second screenshot was taken using IE 11.09600.17842 using no plugins.