I'm puzzled that I got 205 points on the day rather than 215. There was one accept, and enough other upvotes after the upvote-unupvote at 10:19 that I would have expected to score 215, not just 205. Or is there something else going on that isn't showing up — but if there is, why isn't my rep tab telling me what is going on (I want to know). I do have the 'show removed posts' box checked at the bottom of the page.
The three triangles at the top don't hide anything unexpected. The first has two upvotes and an accept; the second has two upvotes; the third has a scoring upvote and a non-scoring upvote.
If the problem really is the upvote/unupvote, it means there's probably a denial-of-rep attack available to almost anyone, so in many ways, I hope there is something else going on. But I'd like to know what, please.