"Is it worth to ask questions with low reputation points?"
It is.
However, users are more inclined to put some effort into answering your questions, if you show you've put some effort into writing the question, yourself.
This means research, proofreading, staying active on the question to reply to comments, things like that.
Nothing is less interesting to answer than a question that's posted without research, with a unclear problem and that full of grammatical and syntactical faults.
The answers you get are (mostly) only as good as the question you're written.
Reputation shouldn't be a factor in how users vote. However, higher rep users are generally more experienced in participating on the site. This experience can translate into them writing better questions / answers.
So, no. Rep doesn't decide the quality of answers. But I'm convinced it's loosely related to the quality of a user's contributions to the site.
But of course, there's always exceptions.