As we continue the celebration of 10 million questions on Stack Overflow, we want to give away more stuff!

We’ve already received some awesome stories about users going above and beyond for others, but before we give away more swag we need something from you.

We want some stories about how Stack Overflow has helped you or how it made you a better programmer. It could be that your participation:

  • changed your career
  • helped you succeed in school
  • or some other way it helped you

As an example, I’ll use my own experience:

I was working on a project that needed to convert an Microsoft Access application written from VBA to a Winforms C# application with a SQL Server backend. I had never touched either of those programming languages before, so I turned to Stack Overflow.

I was able to solve most of my problems using either existing questions and answers, or from the help of the users. Through my use of the site, I learned that I loved SQL and loved answering those questions, but realized quickly I had a lot to learn. I used the site to strengthen my SQL skills which eventually lead to several database developer jobs and ultimately changed my career path. Without Stack Overflow, I wouldn’t have had the same exposure to SQL. The site helped advanced my career and everyday I’m grateful for finding it.

I’ll stop gushing and get to the good stuff.

What swag can we get?

  • A Stack Overflow branded ruled notebook, with a pocket in the back and quality, acid-free paper (actual brand will depend on availability)
  • A Stack Overflow T-shirt (Men's or Women's cut) along with some stickers
  • Pens & retractable sharpies
  • A mug or BPA-free water bottle (Stack Overflow / Stack Exchange) depending on availability


  • Answers must be at least two paragraphs. You need to tell the story, with as much detail as you can with an emphasis on how the site helped you.
  • Submission deadline is September 11, 2015
  • Allow 6 - 8 weeks for delivery after the submission deadline
  • 10
    @BhargavRao This is different from the previous question posted by Tim. This is more about how Stack Overflow helped you, not necessarily how another user helped you.
    – Taryn
    Commented Sep 1, 2015 at 15:22
  • 7
    @BhargavRao As long as you make an effort to answer the question in the way we are asking and you're not solely trying to get free stuff... then yes.
    – Taryn
    Commented Sep 1, 2015 at 15:25
  • 4
    @BhargavRao, Shh you're asking too many questions. ;)
    – CubeJockey
    Commented Sep 1, 2015 at 15:50
  • 7
    @Trobbins I had 10,000,000 more questions. If I ask them all then we can have a 10m-milestone for meta also! :D Commented Sep 1, 2015 at 15:51
  • 1
    Are stories from other SE sites welcome?
    – Anko
    Commented Sep 2, 2015 at 12:22
  • 4
    @Anko This is a celebration of Stack Overflow, so the story should be about how Stack Overflow helped you.
    – Taryn
    Commented Sep 2, 2015 at 12:24
  • 27
    After this celebration can we just get a store to buy SO shirts, etc. please?
    – TylerH
    Commented Sep 2, 2015 at 14:07
  • 1
    How are the winners picked?
    – DavidG
    Commented Sep 2, 2015 at 15:01
  • 6
    @DavidG If a good faith answer that follows the rules (2+ paragraphs) with a story about how SO helped you, then yay you'll get swag.
    – Taryn
    Commented Sep 2, 2015 at 15:04
  • 6
    @bluefeet Wowzer! That's super generous of you guys. Lets hope you don't get 100k answers and bankrupt yourself!
    – DavidG
    Commented Sep 2, 2015 at 15:06
  • 2
    I would like to hear the same story from staffs or moderators of sof as well :) Why did you participated in sow and how have you experienced or learnt from the career.
    – kenju
    Commented Sep 9, 2015 at 7:16
  • 2
    @McAdam331 When it hits September 12 you will no longer be entered.
    – Taryn
    Commented Sep 11, 2015 at 16:31
  • 5
    The email went out today (September 18, 2015) regarding the swag. If you posted an answer but didn't receive an email (we got at least one undeliverable), post a comment or shoot me an email and we'll investigate.
    – Taryn
    Commented Sep 18, 2015 at 15:54
  • 4
    I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is no longer accepting answers.
    – enderland
    Commented Sep 20, 2015 at 18:21
  • 5
    @enderland People could still post answers they just might not get swag.
    – Taryn
    Commented Sep 20, 2015 at 19:19

141 Answers 141

1 2 3 4

So I started programming back in 20111. What originally got me interested was Minecraft modding. Now, I never really took any tutorials in Java; I just followed a tutorial on how to make a mod, so my coding sucked. It was absolutely awful. Fast forward a couple years, and it was still pretty bad. I'd still never taken any tutorials, and I could barely sort of make my own programs. So, I decided to take a mostly-online AP Computer Science course that used Java. Bad move. Between my previous knowledge, my inability to learn online, and (as I figured out later) the low quality of the course, I learned nothing within the first month except the existence of doubles—and I also got terrible grades.

Then I discovered Stack Overflow.

I found that whenever I Googled a programming problem, I'd almost always end up at Stack Overflow. I started to browse the site, looking for interesting questions. Instead of reading my course's lessons, I would just read the top relevant questions here at SO. I got an account, and started answering questions. By the following month my code quality had increased drastically, I was top of the class with 100% on almost every assignment, and my AP Computer Science "teacher" said he often had to look up Java stuff because the way I solved the course's assignments was so much more advanced than what the course expected2.

Fast forward 'til now, and I occasionally help my dad with computer and coding things (by Googling his problem and looking through the SO links), I've become fluent in a couple programming languages (which I learned mostly at SO) and can code reasonably well in many more (SO as well), I have a small programming contract/job thingy (where I constantly use SO as a reference), and I'll likely be heading off to college next year to get a degree in software engineering (where I'm sure SO will be an invaluable resource).

I attribute most of my growth in programming to Stack Overflow; without this site, I doubt I would have decided to become a software engineer, and I would probably have gone into some field I disliked—because I now know I dislike pretty much everything except programming.

1Actually I had done a little bit before that, but it was just extremely basic stuff in BASIC.
2He wasn't very knowledgeable in Java, but still...


How Did Stack Overflow Help You?

TL;DR; It took me from an enthusiastic uneducated php learner to a working web programmer.

When I started learning about computers, somewhere about 16, mashing my first parts onto a asus motherboard and fooling around with FreeBSD, I had no freaking idea about anything relating to computers. It took me some years to start being interested, and then my father (himself a self-thought web web-programmer) hinted me to my first web-related job. Later on, he got me on a full-fledged web-application contract, which was (and is) how I actually make money to live.


Somewhere after I started this job, I started using SO. First by answering some questions, which I was (still am) pretty bad at. After some time, I got the chance to learn about things, being infused by questions and answers alike. The first big step was OOP. I can't remember the question or answer, but at some point, I realized that if I was to succeed in delivering the project to the clients (my father was not anymore on the project, I was and am alone on that one now) I had to leave behind procedural programming, which was everything I've ever been shown, and program faster and better. There OOP cam around, and saved my life. Suddenly, I moved from thousand-lines-long functions to smaller objects, easier to maintain and refactor.


The second part was namespaces. That was crazy. As much as OOP changed the way I could think about programming, namespaces revolutioned the way I thought about thinking about programming. Suddenly, code got organized in an organic way. Parts of the application began to make sens when grouped together.

Source Control

The third part was when I learned about source control, and how I could not really manage programming without it. I started using bitbucket, later on github, started to have code which I could actually deploy on different machines servers way easier. At the same time I started using local development environments, hinted by comments on how source control and local development was mandatory.

php storm

then, somewhen, someone commented on a question, just saying php storm is so great. never having heard about it, I googled on it, landed on their webpage and tried the ide which now allows me to code better, more solid, less error-prone code.

And even since it is only getting better. In the process, I learned about autoloading, since I started having so much files for classes, interfaces etc. I learned about best practices on file structures, conventions on naming. I started hanging out on php's chat, where I learned countless invaluable hints, got convinced to learn about nginx, understood that apache was in fact one amoungsdt others...

Stack overflow allowed me to make people happy about the software I code for them while earning enough money to live a marvelous life

Honest. It may sound cheesy, but a large part of the fact that I earn money to pay my rent and drink beer with friends without being stressed out about it is because of the invaluable advice I got from Stack Overflow.


I have started programming in Php/Python and had many issues everyday while developing applications. When I googled for the problem hoping to find a solution, there were many blogs/websites/forums which had various solutions for the problem. Stack Overflow was also there in those results, mostly in the top.

I have started using Emacs/elisp and had many issues with emacs customisation. When I googled for the problem only Stack Overflow showed up most of the times.

I feel that there are very few resources for elisp when compared to a language like php or Python. Without Stack Overflow, without those geeks who wrote those extremely useful answers, it might have been very difficult to learn and get good at elisp/emacs.


I heavily [ab]used Stack Overflow for several years to find answers to a wide variety of questions I had about , and development whilst at university, and it wasn't until near the end of my final year that I finally made an account. This was my chance to give something back to the community, or so I thought...

...I then landed my first job a couple of days after signing up - a web development job, at that, a hobbyist passion I'd had for many years - and completely forgot about Stack Overflow altogether.


Spring and Summer swiftly went past, and it was well into Autumn before I rediscovered Stack Overflow. With tags like , and , this magical place appeared to have answers to the all the questions I had that other people had asked in the past.

Then one by one new questions were appearing - questions which I knew how to answer. Eventually after shying away for a while I answered one; then I answered another; then another... The internet points started rolling in, but this was more than just that, there was constructive criticism as well. My answers were working, but they weren't perfect, but the community guided me through how to improve. Questions I didn't even ask were being answered by the people who were taking time to read the answers I was posting, and quickly the quality of both my answers here and my own code outside of Stack Overflow was improving greatly.

How does Stack Overflow help me? It continues to make me a better programmer.


I don't have any particular moment when I thought Stack Overflow had changed my life. I have too many! I'm only going to comment on one topic that it has affected my daily life and still does.

I was never very good at reading tools' manuals. I first knew about Git from a friend like 5 years ago, when I was starting my studies as a Software Engineer. I only learnt the basics: commit, push, change branch... And I was happy. But as many of you will probably know, Git has so much power that can be unleashed. I'm also a curious person, so when I wanted to make something magic happen with the repository, I just typed what I wanted to do in the Google search box, clicked the first Stack Overflow link, and there it was. Some unselfish user had wrote the command or commands to make the magic happen, and a detailed and user-friendly explaination of what was going on. I have learnt so much about Git from that. It's my favourite daily tool, the first thing I install on a new PC.

Today, in every team I work on I'm the Git guru. I'm the one spreading the word about git's magic and answering teammates' questions just like Stack Overflow helped me resolve.

I can say that all this advanced knowledge of Git has changed my life. And Stack Overflow made it possible. So thank you very much, SO! And have another great 10 million questions!


Looking back at my old work, I realize that I used to be stupid.

Back in 2014, I set off to learn how to program. I started with the infamous language, Python, the language that my uncle uses and had recommended.

So, here I am, learning Python, and I become too lazy to touch the documentation. I had been told that Python is like writing English, and I think I took that a little bit too literally. My first project was going to be something that could "install" or really just move files from one place to another. Within the first two months, I was doing stupid things... like this:

def After_Install_Check(): 
    '''Function verify's the correct installation of the file'''
    File_Install(filepath, mode) 
    File_Access(filepath, mode) 
    if "File_Install" and "File_Access":
        return True,
        return True
        return False

Yes, I know. I'm not incredibly ashamed of that.

When I first came onto Stack Overflow, I was likely a pain. Here I come, all joyful, and I ask a question. I had asked my first question, which gave me a few up votes, and the answer was incredibly comprehensive. However, I had to be "smart", and start calling out how it doesn't answer the question, and, being an absolute royal pain. But I learned.

Since then, I've asked 27 more questions, learned another language (Java), and am starting to learn a third: Swift.

I've asked many questions, including: Is storing Graphics objects a good idea? and Why does this Jython loop fail after a single run? They are all really helpful, and have let me build my skills, and more importantly, understand the languages that I know. I know them well enough that I would consider myself fairly competent in them.

So what about today?

Today, I'm able to do much more than I imagined when I first started learning. Without Stack Overflow, I would've likely continued on doing incredibly stupid things. Today, I'm developing my first application that I hope to deploy, a Graphics app that hopes is better than MS Paint. I've written high-level APIs to help simplify lower-level tasks that I've shared with my friends, and that have helped them learn as well.

Oh, and most importantly, Stack Overflow has also taught me to read the documentation. :D

  • If you're from Python , and you read this (and my horrible code), tell me before you come, so that I can run away :P
    – Zizouz212
    Commented Sep 5, 2015 at 14:59

Stack Overflow has assisted me in three semi-related and considerably far-reaching ways. Currently, I am in an academic and employment limbo, so I am are working to get an 'edge' on my chances of a new career.

First and foremost, I have been helped with my programming skills - my particular area of research requires that melding of some unusual and often disparate algorithms, but I have found examples here of how it could be done. This leads to my second point: I am not one for wanting the answers, the bits and pieces I find here provide me with the basis to figure out how to assemble the code.

Finally, writing skills, though mine are not the best, I am learned by observations (and from the many blogs, etc.) how to document my questions and how to document the code itself for communicating with another party.

I have not achieved my goal yet, but are well on the way, with Stack Overflow's help, I should get there in the near future.


How did Stack Overflow help me?

There are many many ways in which Stack Overflow has helped me. Apart from technical help which I did receive even before I joined Stack Overflow this community made me understand what communication is. Before entering Stack Overflow I was a very poor in communication skills and was very shy to speak (even on-line). Once I joined Stack Overflow, it taught me how to be nice and speak out to the point. It helped me improve my knowledge of English. Before joining Stack Overflow I did not know that there should be no space before punctuation. This greatly helped me in my GRE and TOEFL preparation (In TOEFL they ask you to speak, Stack Overflow gave me the confidence to speak).

There were many incidents where I used to act rude to the users (because I did not know how to speak), but each and every time I used to be corrected (mostly from the Python chat room). Slowly and slowly, I began to pick up how to speak. Yesterday i.e. 31st Aug, 2015 I successfully managed to defend my point in a debate (my first ever). Thanks to Stack Overflow and its users my vocabulary has greatly improved (now I am hopeful of getting good marks in my next comp exam slated for 29th November 2015).

Thus Stack Overflow designed to help people technically helped me in a completely different area. I have just two words for Stack Overflow and its users:

Thank you

A short note on how Meta Stack Overflow helped me. It taught me to be jovial in life. I was really surprised when even top rep users poked fun. This attitude of Meta users helped me change my attitude from being a very serious person to a more fun-loving person.

Another short note. I was asked in my interview if I did hold a Stack Overflow account. On replying in the positive he surfed through my list of answers (in his phone) and exclaimed, "Look I have up-voted your answer". This was the moment when I did shout out in my mind Thank you Stack Overflow and it came from my heart.

  • 3
    There is no space before question marks and exclamation marks in English, but, there is a space between "Stack" and "Overflow" in the name "Stack Overflow"; this may help you if you ever decide you'd like to work for Stack Overflow. :-P See stackexchange.com/legal/trademark-guidance for more details. :-) Commented Sep 1, 2015 at 17:13
  • @ChrisJester-Young Thanks a lot! I would certainly love to work here :D. Commented Sep 1, 2015 at 17:15

Aside from the numerous useful and interesting things I have learnt by reading answers written by people far smarter than myself, Stack Overflow has started to become a proxy for my (increasingly faulty) long term memory.

On at least two occasions (that I can remember, but don't trust that) I have googled for a solution to a problem I have encountered at work and have been shown Stack Overflow answers to a question that I myself asked some years ago, but had completely forgotten about. I get to be highly critical of my younger self's grammar and writing style and get the answer to my problems!


A couple of years ago after remaining unemployed for over an year, I started teaching myself programming. I started learning PHP (as there were a few vacancies in some of the companies) after learning it about a month, not to mention all the help I got from Stack Overflow, I landed a job but being a beginner I was given a couple of months to prove I could be valuable to the firm.

I soon realized how little I knew about the language and how vast and competitive this web development world is. I remember working day and night (which I still do :P) to improve my knowledge, coding structure to follow, so that I don't get fired when my code was reviewed. Stack Overflow community helped me a lot in this and somehow almost every time whenever I was stuck with a problem Stack Overflow was there to help me out.

Today, thanks to Stack Overflow, I have a job, I am a valuable member in the company, I am working on a big project, learning about database administration, cloud computing, etc. I didn't stop learning; there is lot to learn. I recently started learning Hadoop, seeking help from Stack Overflow as always :)

Thank you Stack Overflow and every user who spared some time, to help out people like me.


I can't remember the last time I had any other site than Stack Overflow as the top three results when searching for programming related terms.

Stack Overflow has helped me a lot in understanding how many of the components in the .NET stack works, how to properly use them, and what to avoid. I've also learned a great deal about (anti)patterns, good (and bad) practices, and to just keep things as simple as possible.

Since I work with web applications on a regular basis Stack Overflow hasn't been a stranger to the different tags such as (, with friends), , and so on. I would say that Stack Overflow was the primary resource for learning . Not only the Q/A portion of the site, but also the friendly guys over at the C# chat.

Whilst I'm not in the business of asking question, I still use Stack Overflow as a reference when there's something I need to look up. Most of the times the offical documentation (if any) lacks proper (close to) real world examples and common usage. Whenever I have the ability and knowledge, I try to answer questions as good as possible.

I guess when I am going to ask my first question, it has to be a good one right?

Thanks Stack Overflow for being such an awesome community with all the great people that hold huge amounts of knowledge.


TL;DR: StackOverflow helped me to understand the MVC Pattern and the oo-programming in general.

It was at a sunny day in 2012 when I started learning Java. The very first steps were with Swing and some really simple Click there and this label changes exercises.

As I didn't even know about classes, patterns etc. I've written everything into one class and most of the code directly into the main method. Of course I was using methods. I was really proud of my two or three functions called init() or method1().

After some errors, my code worked and I thought: easy, that's it. But then, my mentor said Now we make this code MVC-Pattern compliant. Let's try it for yourself first.

So I started browsing the web about MVC and found this answer:

What goes into the "Controller" in "MVC"?

At first the answer is really short and simple, but at that time, the conversation form, which was used in the answer really helped me to understand the really basics of it. On this base I started reading other articles about the pattern and I could refactor my code to fit the MVC-pattern.

During my research I saw other experienced developers coding-styles and I began to understand the object oriented programming for the first time.

So my first contact with StackOverflow was the day I started developing in Java. And it was also the first time StackOverflow helped me.


No One to Ask In a Hardware Company

I am a C# developer in a company selling semiconductor manufacturing machines. Simply speaking, it is a hardware company. My colleagues are experts of hardware, hydromechanics, spectrometer. They are great in their fields, but none of them know C#. I was assigned to a new project to create an user interface using C# WPF. I am the first one in the company to use C#, and I had no colleagues to ask about C#, so I learned C# solely from the Internet. When I encountered problems, I searched my problems using Google, and usually I found an answer on Stack Overflow.

With the help of Stack Overflow, the first version of the software was released. And I found that I could answer some questions on Stack Overflow, so I started answering questions.

Readability Counts

However, Stack Overflow helped me again when I answered questions, because my code in my answers were reviewed. This is especially important for me, because no one else in my hardware company could provide useful feedback on my code. When I posted bad code to answer a question, my answer was downvoted. If the code was useful, it was upvoted.

I could compare my code and other people's code. So I learned what is good code by reading the best answer. I was amazed by how clever the people coded their idea in their answers. I learned that readability is very important in coding. I used to think that shortest code is the best; the purpose of a routine is to minimise the number of lines of the program. But now I know letting other people to understand my code is much more important.

Thank you all of you of sharing knowledge and helping others freely!


I just got an A in my Computer Science GCSE, which I needed to get into my preferred 6th form centre. This will hopefully get me into a good university, and get started with computer science as my job.

One particular case stands out, I needed to count the number of lines in a file, and Stack Overflow gave me short one liner that was better than looping through the whole file. It was a simple thing, as a lot of the best questions are, but it had a well presented and clear answer.

This prompted me to sign up to Stack Overflow (almost 2 years ago) and upvote the question and answer, and even though I'm not active here, I just reached 10k on Ask Ubuntu, and I have 25k network wide.

I'm starting my AS level Computer Science at a leading 6th form college and I'm sure I will be using Stack Overflow, and the other coding sites in the network, even more than before.

I'm also hoping to pursue Computer Science as a career - from what I've gathered the answers already here (sometimes even more so than asking) can save a large amount of time.

Of course there are many, many other questions I've looked at - and I've even answered a few - but that one liner stands out to me. I have it saved in a file of useful code snippets, and I still use it in my programming.

Hopefully this site will be around through my life - and still here for future generations. For the time I've been coding, I've always had Stack Overflow to help me, and I don't want to try and code without it!


Stack Overflow helped me in various situations to clarify tough questions coming up from my colleagues where I was unsure of giving an answer.

I'm rarely asking on the site, but I am merely trying to give answers. There were some questions originated from colleagues coming up to me, and I've tried consolidating and asking here:

Another sample is where I was providing a canonical way to show how to refactor some interface inter-dependecies:

I've been originally posting this on our company internal wiki, though it turned out to be non-proprietary knowledge and is useful to be made public. Stack Overflow turned out to be the right place to publish.

Last but not least, Stack Overflow was helpful for me solving very technically narrowed problems like I had with this question:

Any of the above samples brought me or my companioning teammates further on challenging the real-world problems we've been seeing day by day.

We have improved our production code along the answers or commented suggestions, and our products are well achieved as high quality in the markets we're working on.

Most of my colleagues use Stack Overflow as a constant (re)source for high-quality answers for their day to day upcoming problems, not only mine of course, but some of them might got incented by me giving them answers or links directing here.


Stack Overflow helped me become a Web developer

During the summer, back in 2013, I've taken a basic summer class called "Introduction to Client-Side Programming". Being around a year in to my university's computer science programming, I had enough experience to quite easily understand and get a good grade in the class.

Although I really fell in love with web development and JavaScript and wanted to learn more about it. So I offered to become the TA of the class in the fall semester, and I really enjoyed helping other students "get it". Then in the start of ~2014 I've found Stack Overflow, which really opened my eyes to not only how many people are interested in client-side programming, but how skilled people are at it. And I learned quickly not only how to do it better, but the proper way to do it.

Before Stack Overflow, web development was simply something I knew how to do. But today it's one of my best skills, so much so that all my jobs/internships I've been at where all web development. I feel that Stack Overflow helped me a lot from being a "so-so" web developer into a "decent" ("good?") web developer.

Of course I understand that I have much to learn. But through answering/asking questions on Stack Overflow helped me learn so much more than a basic class during the semester can teach you. I don't even know where I would be today if Stack Overflow wasn't around.


Buried within the vast panoply of answers in SO are some real gems of arcane knowledge that cannot be obtained anywhere else.

I dip into this pool to deliver results that amaze and astound. People say "Wow! How did you get that to work...?". The secret is combining the knowledge contained within this vast corpus with one's own expertise.

For example, things that I have put to excellent use, are:

When sufficiently advanced technology can appear to be magic, SO allows practitioners to sprinkle that bit of magic dust on a solution.


SO provides me a lot of things. It provides me solutions to my problems. At the same time, it also provides such a great and helpful community.

Moreover, it taught me how to be self-dependent and not just ask for others' help without trying anything myself.


When I was in my first job, I had the first issue in Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) years ago and I didn't know how to resolve it, so looking for a solution in Google I met Stack Overflow and the answer of my problem.

From then on, I frequently used this page. I have opened many issues with many answers and also helped to resolve many problems. I'm better professional thanks to Stack Overflow and all the community. Thank you so much.


Not a lot.

I started my computer science degree thinking this site could help me learn how to code and help me succeed in school. I tried to ask my question the smarter way I can and what did I receive? Nothing, except a...

We aren't here to teach. – @SXXX

So what are here for, if it's not to ask questions about what we want to understand and get smart answers?

This site sadly seems to go be used by a few people who take the big-head...

  • 1
    That is not a great story to celebrate but I do hope you get some swag anyway...
    – rene
    Commented Sep 10, 2015 at 16:52
  • ;) kind of! Trying to create a check list to ask the mve, expecting a blame, having a blame... Commented Sep 10, 2015 at 16:55
  • comment before downvoting Commented Sep 15, 2015 at 11:24
  • 2
    No, voting is anonymous and the tooltip on the voting button explain reasons for voting. Above that voting on meta is different.
    – rene
    Commented Sep 15, 2015 at 14:52
  • I do not agree with you, how can one improve his answer when all he know is that he is downvoted?What strange community is the stackoverflow one. Commented Sep 16, 2015 at 11:23
  • 2
    The down vote says the answer is not useful that is enough of a comment I would think. The question asks how did SO help you, it didn't ask how did or didn't SO help you and please share all your positive and negative experiences about that. And the community is not strange as we have proven to be one of the most popular sites. That popularity is due the moderation this community employs. Enough users assume on a daily basis that anything goes on Stack Overflow. And to make commenting mandatory is discussed over and over again and rejected as many times. Search on meta for a good read.
    – rene
    Commented Sep 16, 2015 at 12:24
  • The (direct) teaching/learning part is a common expectation, and something Stack Overflow (the company) ought to expand into. Commented Jul 13, 2021 at 14:08
  • We are here to help you and answers are supposed to "teach" you, not to tutor you personally though. That user is wrong in a way and that comment makes me look like this
    – 10 Rep
    Commented Jul 13, 2021 at 15:46

How has Stack Overflow been helpful to me? Don't you mean, How has oxygen been helpful to me? Or Stack Exchange? Having failed to search and find such a question on meta.stackexchange.com, I'd like to give an Stack Exchange answer.

At the risk of giving something that was unwelcome in another thread, let me give a few points of detail here. And more specifically after experiencing beginnings of autoimmune symptoms that were shut down completely by dietary adaptations.

I don't want to belabor the obvious, but let me give a specific point. The Paleo solution can be regarded as another dietary fad, and it is certainly treated as such by some. But the core insight, which is more clarified than complemented, is that Homo sapiens sapiens functions better or best under conditions that approximate, or approximate the benefits of, the conditions Homo sapiens sapiens is adapted to. Put that way, it appears obvious to the point of not being interesting, but perhaps with low-carb or no-carb precursors, few before it have said, "Wwwaaaaiiiitt a minute... is the human race biologically adapted to consuming large volumes of carbohydrates?"

Features of the Paleo "lifestyle" (I use the terms with reservations as) include:

  • Diet: Cut down the food groups substantially. Eat vegetables and fruits in that order and in volume; eat healthy amounts of meat; there are a few eggs and special cases, but that whole grain organic loaf of whole grain bread is, like its pre-domesticated ancestors, waging chemical warfare against its predators--specifically including you. Eating large amounts of largely flavorless seeds or grains is a dietary hack (the comparative lack of flavor being a red flag this is not something the digestive tract is optimized for), and it has nasty consequences.
  • Exercise: To simplify slightly, don't focus on aerobic exercise three times per week. Try to build for strength, although walking and other non-weight-lifting activity can be very valuable.
  • Sleep: Get well-rested, and if you can't wake up to sunlight, spend a little extra on a light alarm that's a whole lot better surrogate for a sunrise than a regular alarm clock in a pitchdark room, at o-dark-thirty.
  • Sunlight: Sunburn is bad and probably carcinogenic. Sunlight is necessary and good, and there's a reason doctors massively prescribe the sunlight surrogate of vitamin D to urban dwellers. At least on the "out of Africa" theory, there being others, the reason that some of us are fair-skinned, or for that matter much of any color than black, is that during the Ice Age people migrated from Africa to a Mediterranean that was then colder than much of the Arctic is now. Apart from the question of how much sunlight there is, migrant humans bundled up heavily, and had to adapt to vastly less vital sunlight. Skin that was dark to adapt to heavy sunlight became light to let in precious sunlight when there was little available (but can in most cases tan on exposure to sun). However, urban and suburban dwellers who do not frequent e.g. beaches, however fair-skinned, spend problematically much time indoors and sunlight-deprived, and are candidates for doctors' vitamin D prescriptions, a surrogate for real, honest sunlight. Vitamin D may be incomplete as far as surrogates go; people need exposure to sunlight, and merely addressing a chemical deficiency doesn't provide the whole of what sunlight provides. It is fairly known that sufficient light deprivation can be a factor in depression; it's better to be light-deprived and taking a vitamin D prescription than light-deprived and not taking a vitamin D prescription, but neither compares to real, honest sunlight.

And the question arises: what has that to do about computers?

I spent a lot of time trying something that was basically impossible in sitting outside with my MacBook Pro. And, especially in the summer, there are two basic problems with extended use of a MacBook Pro in the summer sun:

  1. Good sunlight, at least in direct exposure, makes a MacBook Pro hot, hot enough to be hard to touch and hot enough that the fans are swamped. Are you familiar with MechWarrior games where one of the dangers you cope with is building up too much heat? We're talking the same stuff here.

  2. Displays that are built to be very bright indoors can be dim enough outdoors so that reading becomes significantly harder. (Note: "Bright" by indoor standards usually means significantly less light, i.e., visible photons, than even a cloudy day outdoors.) I had substantial difficulties reading the screen on my MacBook Pro, even when with my unfair advantages as a webmaster I took advantage of usability features to compensate.

Now it perhaps isn't Paleo to be on a computer in the first place, but it may be better Paleo-wise to spend one's non-work, discretionary computer time outside. Some newer devices, such as iPads, are less painful in sunlight. I do not say that they are graceful, because they are still difficult to read in good sunlight, and prolonged use in direct sunlight shows they can overheat just as much as a Mac. (And for someone who heavily uses the Linux / Unix / Mac command line, my preferred way of getting work done is easier done using Cygwin under a decent version of Windows than with an iPad that hasn't been cracked.)

What I did find, after a PaleoHacks.com question where I ended up doing most of the research, is that there is in fact a well-established category of computers properly intended for outdoor use: "rugged" computers are not all created equal, but if you want a computer that will be sane under primarily outdoor conditions, you will do much better starting with searching for rugged computers than anything mainstream.

I personally purchased a GD8000 that had been maxed-out in hard drive space and memory; its 1024x768 screen may be an old-fashioned low-resolution, but it looks great in sunlight and I can see vastly more than on the brightest settings on a 1920x1200 MacBook Pro. (I'm not clear on how all their technologies work, but it's not just brighter; there has been significant engineering...

...**and I consider Stack Overflow to have given the computer to me, not because of Paleo Hacks, but because of a thread that happened to be on Super User. I had upgraded from the provided Windows 7 to Windows 10, and under that was trying a virtualized Linux Mint Cinnamon, and had not noticed that once-snappy response had slowed to the point that I couldn't get work done; I was easily waiting five seconds for an alt+tab to pull another window. But something like fifteen minutes after reading a first-class answer that explained my orders-of-magnitude problematic graphics processor had me restoring Windows 7, turning off graphics-hungry features, and restoring my favorite old Aqua-tinted Ubuntu Maverick VM as well as migrating from Cinnamon Mint to Xfce, all of the sudden my rugged model works and is snappy again. And I can use it for almost everything I use my Mac for. Meaning a nice interface where I use the command line for Django, React, and other things where I wouldn't be where I am now. (I just published Reactive Programming with JavaScript this past week; it has an entirely appropriate two-star review for its first review, written by a very disappointed reader who was disappointed it covered React, but not Bacon.js--the editors overruled my request to put React, the only framework covered at any length, in the title, and I've said "We've started with a two-star review. Could we change the title?") All things considered, I am glad to Stack Overflow for helping me write a book that I hope will get better reviews when purchased by readers interested in React, and I am grateful to Stack Exchange / Super User for a computer that lets me work outside as much as I want, and without which my computer would be dead in the water. (Even if it's a marine model, and designed to tolerate a cup of water being poured over the keyboard.)

For both Stack Overflow and Stack Exchange, the question of how they've been helpful to me is the question of how oxygen has been helpful to me. I haven't tried to pull out a single story of heroic answers on Stack Overflow proper, but they're better than I have any right for.

Three cheers for Stack Overflow and the Stack Exchange Umbrella!

  • 2
    @PeterMortensen: This edit bumps up the worst scoring answer on a 6-year-old question to the frontpage of Meta, for what? Some wikipedia links? Imo, it'd be better to leave something this old alone.
    – Cerbrus
    Commented Jul 13, 2021 at 11:47
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