First of all, I realize there are a lot of "Why was my flag declined?" posts on Meta, so I apologize for asking another one, but I'm more curious as to the answer that I flagged and not the reason it was declined.
Basically, I flagged an answer to This Question on March 26th, last Thursday, and over the weekend, the flag was declined. Today, when I casually checked on my flagging status, I noticed a new section on the right:
1 declined
This being my first declined flag I was curious what this meant, so I read the comments from the moderator, which were:
declined - flags should not be used to indicate technical inaccuracies, or an altogether wrong answer
It makes sense, I must've flagged something that I shouldn't have, so I went to see what that answer was, but at some point after the flag was declined, the answer was deleted. Now I'm afraid that I have forgotten the contents of this answer, and since I have less than 10k reputation I'm left in the dark.
Again, this is more of a curiosity issue than a light the fires, grab the pitchforks I did nothing wrong! issue, so if the answer is that there is no way for me to see the contents of the answer I flagged, that would be fine.