It seems that we are gradually removing the ability of long standing users to actively maintain the culture and communication of Stack Overflow in favour of new users who do not respect the culture of high quality questions and answers. It's starting to get to me.
- I didn't like the removal of the close reason "no research effort" - when a user shows no effort, that is a perfectly valid reason.
- I didn't like the ability to state "What have you tried?" which in a case like below is again valid, because they have shown zero effort in their question.
- And I downright hated the removal of the "-1" prefix to comments (as did many others).
So the question remains, why is the Stack Overflow staff so hellbent on punishing long standing users who effectively act as free staff who moderate the site, when new low effort questions keep flooding in?
Search is getting good enough and space is getting cheap enough that good moderation isn't as necessary as it once was.
What is my incentive to help Stack Overflow, when they seem to remove everything I liked about it?
Stack Overflow is a question and answer site for professional and enthusiast programmers. It's built and run by you as part of the Stack Exchange network of Q&A sites. With your help, we're working together to build a library of detailed answers to every question about programming.
Except now low quality questions from people who show no enthusiasm are welcomed. I'm not even concerned about professionalism, I'd just like a little enthusiasm. When you put in zero code into your question, that's not enthusiastic.
And its not run by us, as changes (like the dreaded and much protested removal of +1
comments) are unilaterally put in place.
So in summary, why does Stack Overflow keep forcing kid gloves on long-standing users at the protection of new users who show zero interest in the site?
Specifically, why do we support help vampires by allowing them to come along, ask their question, get an answer from some repfarmer, and then shuffle along their way.
Why can't we retain the harsh gatekeepers of old that actually encouraged high quality work?
edit: True to form, in the time it took to write this rant the question I captured has been answered: How retrieve ID from link?
"why do people disagree enough to downvote"
-- ??? who the heck knows? Wait and they might comment.