In advance, this is not a duplicate of Comments can't contain that content? or Comments can't contain that content - "+1", because neither concern the same content. This is both a request for clarification of a specific problem and a feature request for a site change. I'm also not expressing any opinion on the quality of the post in question itself, just the subject matter.
I attempted to direct someone to vendor-specific support for a problem that is specific to their own situation, that is highly unlikely to benefit future readers here. I received the following error:
I'm somewhat confused. What specific part of that content isn't allowed? There seems to be nothing that violates any guidelines here; I'm attempting to direct this user to help for a situation that is too localized to be of general use.
(I had first used this link, and thought it was the culprit, so I edited to use a more generic version, but received the error shown.)
Rather than a broad Comments cannot contain that content., this error should specify what content isn't allowed, particularly when it isn't something like +1 or Me too. The error is similar to a compiler error that says There's a problem with your code, which of course is meaningless.
What should I change to allow me to guide this poster to a possible solution to this issue?