Verifying answers which contain code from a mobile application is at the very least problematic, and at worst impossible.
On Stack Overflow, asking a question is supposed to be based on a specific programming question. It should be detailed, well researched, and answerable.
Preferably it should contain some source code reproducing the noted behavior if applicable. Almost every well received question includes some sort of code or code reference.
Posting a question will often require attentiveness in order to either support claims made, offer clarifications, or respond to answers.
These three facets are all negatively impacted by using a mobile application on Stack Overflow. Other exchanges may be different which is why I am only bringing this up here.
The sole use of a mobile device makes it hard to have a programming question which is going to be well researched and detailed. This is based on the assumption that typing on a mobile device is hindered compared to using a traditional keyboard. It is also based on the assumption that producing research from a very small device with below average browsing speed is hampered. Further, it is highly unlikely any actual debugging took place.
Even if the hurdles of composing a question are met, the OP will also encounter hurdles with answers. Being attentive from a mobile device is simply going to take more time than on a traditional device. Being able to verify any answer containing code is again going to be severely impacted by not being able to execute the code.
Mobile users on Stack Overflow are going to encounter extra hurdles to providing quality questions and verifying answer content. While experienced users may be used to both the system and verifying answer content by observation alone, new users to the system are not going to be as familiar.
Should new users be asking questions on Stack Overflow from their mobile devices?*
Excluding tablets.