Especially on Stack Overflow, I see more and more upvotes appearing on questions that clearly don't deserve an upvote. These questions hardly follow any of the Guidelines and usually lack any code or even a relevant question.
I assume these upvotes come from different new user accounts trying to make it appear as if the question is actually very good and get more attention towards them that way. Lately I even noticed someone upvoting any question and all answers to it, whether they were good or not.
Personally I think the reputation is a good system. But it loses it's value if everyone starts receiving reputation for no reason at all. It even happened to me yesterday. I don't know your vision on this, but I like the idea that I've actually earned the reputation I got. Not because some new users start spamming upvotes everywhere.
After reading some of the comments here, I think I should clerify some things. I'm not complaining about upvotes on questions or answers that I personally disagree with. I'm talking about upvotes on questions and anwers that clearly don't fit in the Guidelines. Questions and/or answers that are technically completely wrong and should've been a comment instead.
One could argue that you can give a better answer to help out. I agree. But that's a workaround. It doesn't solve the issue at hand. Users still get reputation they didn't deserve. For now this is still just a minor problem. But if it isn't stopped, I garantuee we're going to see a lot more strange upvotes in the near future.
Also, some here thought I was talking about removing the ability to upvote for low rep users completely. This is not the case at all. I was more thinking to slightly alter it:
- Upvoting questions: Require 15 Rep (as it currently is).
- Upvoting answers: Require 50 Rep (or whatever seems appropriate).
This way you still allow low rep users to cast upvotes. Yet they can't cause problems to the reputation system in general. Very bad questions that gain upvotes, are neutralised once they get deleted.
So why do I want to limit upvotes on answers?
Well there are several reasons. But the most important one is this: Lets say a very bad answer gets a couple of upvotes. The question is already a bit old and doesn't get much attention from the high rep users anymore. Somewhere in the future, a user has the same question. He finds the question and sees the upvoted answer. Can you imagine their confusion that the answer doesn't help them at all but is still upvoted? This will no longer just be a problem about unfair reputation, but the reputation of Stack Overflow in general as being a trustworthy resource!
So either high rep users needs more privileges so that they can deal with incorrect information or and low rep users less