(A) on this site, any edit bumps the question to the top
(B) it looks like the main pro-sumption rationale for doing this is, to bring to attention any vandalism
That's fair enough - otherwise how would vandalism be detected?
(C) however: consider the case of very minor edits.
I offer you the classic example, of correcting an incorrect use of an apostrophe. (I direct readers to the sixth frame ... http://achewood.com/index.php?date=09122008 ... and also the rollover :) )
(I say "minor" -- what I mean is "extremely important, but, involving only one or two characters".)
Minor edits, fixing punctuation and so on, add real pro-sumption value to the site.
But point B is hard to argue with - any edits, do need to come to the top as an anti-vandalism measure.
I propose:
edits which change only (say) up to four characters, should not bump the question.
(Obviously, the robot would check for, say, cumulative changes so that every say 10 characters changed overall, it does get bumped -- i.e., that's the vandalism watch mechanism kicking in.)
{You could say, "I propose the anti-vandalism bump should only happen after say 10 cumulative characters."}
Note that a secondary advantage of bumping-all-edits (i.e. other than anti-vandalism) is that it brings to the fore new information. This advantage, would not be injured at all, by the proposal.
Note too, there is the "points panickers" reason for the advancing the social behaviour "don't edit too much" - again this proposal would aid problem.