You cannot create an account on blog.stackoverflow / blog.stackexchange - they are not part of and operate with a completely different software configuration.
Fortunately, you don't need to.
On posts that allow commenting (new posts only), just enter your name and email address, and your comment will be posted under that name and displayed with whatever Gravatar is associated with that email address. Some folks don't like Gravatar - if that includes you, then that's ok, just don't comment (or use a fake email address).
Note that we get a lot of spam on these, and so if your post ends up looking spammy (because you used too many links, all caps, a fake email address, etc.) it'll get blocked until someone checks the spam queue and lets it through (6-8 weeks).
days; if this is the case, this could be better explained on the blog.x
days turned on on the blog. See here. All of the blog posts are quite old, so maybe they are too old to permit comments on them anymore.