It seems that the "Hot Meta Posts" has lured me in, built my hopes up with an interesting question and then left me high and dry. It seems to show questions even after they were deleted.
After clicking on "Should I flag a user who tries to vandalize his own question?", I land on the "This question was removed from Meta Stack Overflow for reasons of moderation" page. Refreshing the page several times and even clearing cache makes no difference.
Might I suggest that a deleted meta question not show up in the "Hot Meta Posts" box?
Question.IsHotQuestion == true
, rebuild cache. On Rebuild Cache, Set the 4 "hot" questionsIsHotQuestion
, and when the next 4 are picked, set the questionsIsHotQuestion
. That leads to the same amount of load for individual questions and then an addition of 8 queries for the rebuilding of the Hot Meta section. Or if you group those queries, 1 query.