The best way to avoid down votes without a comment is to first avoid taking it personal. This has an effect on your tone, as well as how people will react to you. From the way you worded your question here on meta, if I were to down vote one of your posts, I'd likely avoid commenting, simply because I might feel you'd retaliate instead of trying to understand the problem and how to fix it.
By approaching the voting with a clear head, it's possible for you to leave a comment on your own post as follows:
Hello. I was wondering if someone could tell me what's wrong with this post so that I can edit and improve it? Thanks in advance for your help.
This is much more likely to get a positive response than:
hey downvoters!!!! suck it!!
I know that's an extreme comment and not exactly how you worded your post here, but the tone is that of someone looking for confrontation and not understanding. Thus, I might not even leave a comment, even if I weren't a down voter. I've left comments on such posts, designed to be helpful, and I've walked away feeling pretty disenfranchised, and again, I was just trying to be helpful.
If you're cool in the comments, someone, maybe not the down voter, but someone will respond to your comment and help you out. It may even be the down voter, and he or she may even reverse the vote after working with you to make the changes.
With that said, it's quite possible the questions you're referring to aren't bad questions, but perhaps they're just bad for Stack Overflow. There's a lot of really good and interesting questions that just aren't fit for Q&A but work well on sites more oriented towards discussion and extended back and forth, like Google Groups, which might be why you're here instead of Google Groups, because there's less noise here and more answers.
The reason we come to Stack Overflow, the reason we like it so much and consider it a valuable resource, is precisely because of the huge community of users who help push the best Q&A to the top and the not so hot stuff to the bottom. This is really the purpose of voting, to move things that don't belong down to the bottom of the page and the best stuff to the top.
I encourage you to think about those questions and ask if they meet the goal of something that can be answered in one pass, without extended discussion, debate, arguments, polling, and all of the stuff that Stack Exchange has chosen to pass on. Hope this helps!