Someone else has already asked Should Stack Overflow have a forum where users can talk about anything they want?, but I think that forums for programming questions that, for whatever reason, don't belong here would be better than a completely open-ended but somehow related forum.
[Edited – I admit that this only seems workable in so far as it mitigates low-quality questions if it doesn't require the same kinds of moderation that are already being done to little avail.]
Part of the idea would be that 'too broad', open-ended, and 'too subjective' questions would start in the forums. Noobs and others with questions that aren't good enough to be part of The Canon could still find a receptive audience (or not).New users, or users with insufficient rep, would only be able to ask questions in the forums.
If a question is Good Enough, then it could be migrated to SO-proper.
But the reason why I'm proposing this as a feature request is that SO seems to be in dire need of some way to stem the tide of low-quality questions. The site, possibly even the network, needs some kind of at-least-semi-formal – and official – means of diverting The Deluge of questions Elsewhere. And if there was an Official Forum, then it could be integrated with SO more closely than otherwise, e.g. share tags, users, rep, etc. I think it would be interesting to consider how those now branded as Rep-whores might continue to serve their Fellows in a more suitable venue than SO.
Related questions:
- If we want to tackle the problem of question quality, really simple questions need some legitimate avenue - Meta Stack Overflow
- Ability to Ignore Questions from low rep users - Meta Stack Overflow
- Thwart publishing duplicate and low quality questions - Meta Stack Overflow
[Of course the forums should be hosted via Discourse!]