Inspired by recent hugely popular questions (mostly Why is Stack Overflow so negative of late?, also Question quality is dropping on Stack Overflow, Where are the non-trivial PHP-questions lately?), I think that the number of questions new users or users with bad questions history can ask should be severly limited.
A new user should start with a low number of questions allowed, let's say a quota of 2 questions per week. As their reputation gets higher, they should receive more questions quota. For example, 1 more question per week at 10 rep, 1 more at 25 rep and so on until they get to the current limit. They should get there at a relatively high rep, maybe 3,000 would be a good level.
This question quota should be visible to the user on their page to remind them that asking questions is a scarce resource that should be treated with respect.
In addition to the limit based on reputation, community should have a say and modify users' quotas. Receiving a negative score of -3 or less (i.e. even more negative score) would reduce the weekly quota by 1. There should be some limit so that the quota cannot become zero but it should be low, e.g. 1 question per 2 weeks. There should also be a notification to the user that their quota has been reduced to let them know that asking poor questions is not welcome. Receiving upvotes that bring the score to -2 or more on a bad question would remove the penalty.
The other way to get rid of this negative modifier would be to ask a good question. The score required to cancel one bad question would be an equal positive score on a different question, e.g. to cancel a modifier of -1 on a question with the score of -5 a user would need to receive a score of +5 on a different question.
All the numbers given above are less important than the idea and can be discussed/changed. My main point is that asking questions should be regarded as a scarce resource and users should learn to use it with caution.
Last thing: I'm posting it on SO Meta as the situation is worst here, I understand. This solutions can be applied to all sites though.