If they're going to copy/re-use/adapt my query, at least take one that was updated to use newer features of SQL Server. Here is the SEDE query that uses OpenJson to decipher the Json blob that is present in the Text column of the PostHistory table for PostHistoryTypeId = 10. The Comment field holds the close reason, which is 101 for the Duplicates you're interested in.
-- userid: your user id on the site "found in the url of your profile"
declare @userid int = ##userid:int##
select postid [Post Link]
, creationdate [Closing complete date]
, Goldtagbadge [Badge]
from posthistory
cross apply openjson(text, '$.Voters')
with (Id int '$.Id',
GoldTagBadge nvarchar(50) '$.BindingReason.GoldTagBadge'
) as voters
where posthistorytypeid = 10
and voters.Id = @userid
and comment = 101
and Goldtagbadge is not null
When run today this is what the result looks like for your account:
Keep in mind SEDE is updated once a week on Sunday.
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, but that page cannot filter by close vote types.