Ever since sometime in the past week, I noticed that dragging the Chrome vertical scrollbar in "large" posts was very jerky and not silky smooth.
I'm running Chrome 76 64-bit on Windows 10 x64, running at 96 dpi.
This issue only affects "large" Stack Overflow posts - smaller posts have smooth scrolling with no abnormalities.
Repro steps
- Open Chrome on Windows
- Be logged-in to stackoverflow.com
- Visit C# (.NET) Design Flaws
- Resize the browser window to something like 1400x1200
- Drag the vertical scrollbar.
- Observe the scrolling is choppy/slow/janky
I fired up Chrome's Developer Tools and did a performance profiler run as I dragged the scrollbar up and down for a few seconds:
Observe the red lines at the top (the red indicates layout events, which are bad - and should not happen during scrolling). Zooming in we can see that Chrome is complaining about a Forced Reflow:
Looking at the anonymous-function in the inverted flame-graph...
...shows that some code is running a JavaScript animation (using requestAnimationFrame
) which causes a DOM reflow - though I don't know why it happens during scrolling:
For comparison, I opened a shorter/smaller Q&A posting (Use group by and having count in update statement) and did the same test, and the profiler reported the same animation code was running - but no DOM reflow was being triggered (observe the lack of red markers):