Am I able to post a question on Stack Overflow if the context is specifically about a Wordpress framework?
If no, is there anywhere on the Stack Exchange I can ask this, about web development?
Am I able to post a question on Stack Overflow if the context is specifically about a Wordpress framework?
If no, is there anywhere on the Stack Exchange I can ask this, about web development?
We accept developer questions related to all CMSes (that are open source, or provide programmatic access to their innards). It's important to note the questions must be developer focused; a general question like "How do I change the theme?" would not be on-topic. You can also get support from WordPress Stack Echange, whose tour says:
WordPress Development is a question and answer site for WordPress developers and administrators. It's built and run by you as part of the Stack Exchange network of Q&A sites.
With your help, we're working together to build a library of detailed answers to every question about theme and plugin development, development and management best practices and server configuration for WordPress. See what is on topic and what not on our help page. Please ask how to solve specific problems, not where to find existing plugins or themes.
Yes, questions about Wordpress development can be on-topic on Stack Overflow.
The usual rules about topicality apply: