I much more after rewarding the dupe-finders than punishing dupe-writers. There are a lot of people who deserve to have some reputation but being honest and thinking globally they forfeit it for sake of the quality. It is my long desire to reward people for the quality of their contribution, not quantity. --YCS (OP)
I agree, but there might also be a new quality vs quantity issue if we create incentives for quick-and-dirty links, as brought up by CertainPerformance referring to racing/FGITW and by vaer-k:
I think rewarding marking dupes will incentivize even less careful reviewing of duplication than we already have, resulting in a deluge of dupe marks, where the marker has barely even taken any time (or perhaps even no time at all) to consider whether the question even truly represents a duplicate or instead merely covers similar territory. I think this will actually have the effect of increasing the workload of reviewers, as the many, many more questions marked as dupe will need to be reviewed by 5 more reviewers as a result.
Anything above +2 rep (that new users get for edits) could be expected to lead to every single question getting marked as an (almost always erroneous) dupe, harming the signal-to-noise ratio in the dupe links.
My suggested variation on the OP's idea: As a user, I would like to offer the reward as a "dupe bounty" and allocate it to whoever found the best link, similar to a normal bounty. Then both I and the bounty hunters would have incentives aligned with high quality links. (I would take it seriously since I'd be forgoing scarce rep; and they would take it seriously, since they would know the reward would be given based on another user's judgment of quality.)
Regarding details, maybe:
- can create a bounty as soon as a question is posted
- 5-25 points, with higher costs mandatory at higher rep
- offered for up to 4 days, with minimum duration of 1 day
- each user can have at most 3 open at once
- if the question is dupe-closed during the bounty period and is new (created within the last 30 days?), all its Q&A posts immediately become community wiki (CW), per @TemaniAfif's suggestion in several comments in this thread
- the bountier can also manually assign the reward to an answerer
I include the last point since a good answer might win the bountier over, for example, by providing and explaining links to related questions.
YCS had this counterpoint to @Temani's CW suggestion:
@TemaniAfif this is my life's dream. But it will spoil the "gamification", and will never be implemented. So the only feature that possibly could be accepted is not one that strips a person of the hard gained precious points but one that awards them.
My understanding is that CW does not strip points, but only blocks future growth, and if we are looking at a 4-day window before CW goes into effect as I suggested, the extra attention to the Q&A would probably benefit answerers who get in before it is closed more than it would hurt them. (I don't have any strong desire to hurt or prevent the answerers, but I am open to being convinced.)
I'm sure there are other problems with the particulars above (like... isn't it still vulnerable to FGITW as soon as the bounty is posted? what if I don't want to wait 4 days for the active bounty to end before contributing my rep to the reward pile? what if it's already marked as a dupe, but I'd still like to offer a reward and trigger CW?), but anyway I do think we would want some way of ensuring quality of dupe links is maintained if the OP's suggested rewards are attached to them. Right now, the links are very high quality. It would be a shame to see the site flooded with less meaningful links.
And I do think some version of the OP's suggestion is a constructive step even if AI might some day save us or whatever.