I reached an inactive question in which I downvoted an answer, engaged in a small conversation with OP and after all that the question still shows active yesterday
Why is that?
Before flagging my question as dupe note that:
- What is the difference between "hot" and "active" questions?
Here one answer suggests that Active is based on creation / last modified time of any answer or the question itself. However, that seems like a guess to me, no official answer, and it's not in the scope of the question to ask for details - How do I make question active of other users?
In here 3 things are shown as making a question active:- editing
- placing a bounty (which is still editing as it affects revisions)
- answering the question and deleting the answer
However it's only a guess and on top of that it was flagged as dupe after:
- How do I get attention for one of my own questions without a good answer?
Which talks about the same things as above (editing & bounty) and is not what I'm asking - What causes this question to be 'active'?
There's also this one which, much like the two questions above, suggests that only edits or answers will mark a question as 'active'
But I didn't find anywhere a clear, official definition as an answer for this question.
To me commenting and voting on a question is activity as well, which is why I'm suprised and am looking for an official answer.
. Was looking for that with this question