A very small percentage of VLQ & NAA flags bypass the review queue and go directly to the moderators. The vast majority of these flags go directly to the LQRQ review queue to handle, but most reviews are taking over 4 hours to complete. As a result, the moderators are stepping in and handling flags.
It seems that the current review settings aren't allowing the community to review flags in a timely manner, so we might need to do some adjusting.
Over the past year, I've thought a lot about VLQ & NAA flags, as well as review. We performed a few tests, made some adjustments to the how review works, but maybe it's time for more tweaks.
As requested, here are some additional details about flags in 2016.
Total Flags
| Flag | Total | Mod Handled | Community Handled |
| NAA | 284,408 | 192,394 | 92,014 |
| VLQ | 74,801 | 29,758 | 45,043 |
The result of these flags were:
| Flag | Result | Total | Mod Handled | Community Handled |
| NAA | Helpful | 263,375 | 184,138 | 79,237 |
| NAA | Disputed* | 12,304 | 147 | 12,157 |
| NAA | Declined | 8,109 | 8,109 | 0 |
| NAA | Self Clear** | 620 | 0 | 620 |
| VLQ | Helpful | 65,479 | 27,135 | 38,344 |
| VLQ | Disputed* | 6,569 | 59 | 6510 |
| VLQ | Declined | 2,564 | 2,564 | 0 |
| VLQ | Self Clear** | 188 | 0 | 188 |
| VLQ | User Deleted*** | 1 | 0 | 1 |
*If a mod enters a review queue, they will cast the binding vote on the flag in the queue which is why there can be disputed flags
**Self Clear occurs when a user retracts a flag
***User Deleted is when a user is deleted from the site, the flag is cleared
But, how many flags skip the Low Quality Review Queue?
NAA and VLQ flags bypass the LQRQ under the following circumstances and go directly to the mod queue:
- the answer is accepted
- the post previously was in the LQRQ review queue, completed a full review cycle, wasn't deleted, and has received additional NAA/VLQ flags
In 2016, there were 3,779 flags on accepted answers, and 1,561 flags that bypassed the LQRQ due to a previous review.
A note about this:
- The total number of flags bypassing the LQRQ are approximate, due to the sync job running every five minutes. This can result in items possibly being resolved before getting captured by the job.
How are posts hitting the low quality review queue being handled?
As Shog mentioned in his comment, just look back a few months on Meta, and people were complaining about flags taking a long time to be handled. This made me curious about how quickly VLQ and NAA flags are being handled now. I took a look at the average number of minutes between creation and handling time of these flags over 2016. You'll notice that since the November election, there has been a significant drop in how long it's taking for VLQ and NAA flags to be processed. This is because the queue is no longer averaging 2k+ flags on a daily basis, we're now hovering around a few hundred.
We get a very similar picture when looking at the average amount of time (in minutes) posts spend in the Low Quality Review Queue:
While these images give an overview, there isn't a lot we can take away from it. The biggest initial takeaway is that the review queue isn't able to keep up with the posts hitting the queue, so things tend to sit and wait to be handled.
The Low Quality review queue is given 60 minutes to handle a post before it's also sent to the moderator queue. Once it's in both places, either the mods or the review queue can process the flag. I wanted to see how long it was taking for flags to be handled over the past year, by looking at different time frames (visual of the data):
| Month | # Flags < 60 mins | # Flags 60-120 mins | # Flags 120-180 mins | # Flags 180-240 mins | # Flags >= 240 mins |
| 2016-01-01 | 3,072 | 4,687 | 2,540 | 1,849 | 9,582 |
| 2016-02-01 | 850 | 2,227 | 1,305 | 1,129 | 11,563 |
| 2016-03-01 | 3,328 | 4,461 | 2,294 | 1,712 | 10,245 |
| 2016-04-01 | 1,741 | 3,079 | 2,146 | 1,657 | 10,167 |
| 2016-05-01 | 1,611 | 3,664 | 2,789 | 2,302 | 11,148 |
| 2016-06-01 | 2,135 | 4,066 | 2,395 | 1,717 | 9,087 |
| 2016-07-01 | 1,248 | 3,282 | 2,053 | 1,821 | 11,404 |
| 2016-08-01 | 1,365 | 3,047 | 2,277 | 1,838 | 11,123 |
| 2016-09-01 | 1,271 | 2,675 | 1,630 | 1,374 | 11,821 |
| 2016-10-01 | 910 | 1,735 | 1,015 | 808 | 10,089 |
| 2016-11-01 | 2,367 | 2,799 | 1,425 | 966 | 7,671 |
| 2016-12-01 | 4,368 | 3,295 | 1,351 | 846 | 2,315 |
| Total | 24,266 | 39,017 | 23,220 | 18,019 | 116,215 |
From this we can see that in 2016:
- most flags took a substantially long time to be processed - over 240 minutes
- since the last election, we've had a large drop in flags lingering in the queue, but we've seen a steady increase in flags being processed in under 60 minutes.
But who is processing the flags at each time frame? The moderators or the review queue?
Over the past year, the LQRQ processed 108,434 VLQ & NAA flags (visual), of these
- 7,362 flags were handled within 60 minutes,
- 8,378 flags were reviewed in 60 to 120 minutes,
- 7,905 flags were processed in 120 to 180 minutes,
- it took 180 to 240 minutes to process 7,544 flags,
- and it took 4+ hours (240+ minutes) to complete review on 77,245 flags
By comparison, the Moderators handled 112,303 VLQ & NAA flags (visual) that were also in review, of these
- 16,904 flags were processed in less than 60 minutes,
- 30,639 flags were handled in 60 to 120 minutes,
- 15,315 flags were cleared in 120 to 180 minutes,
- 10,475 flags were processed 180 to 240 minutes after the flag was in review,
- and it took 240+ minutes to process 38,970 flags that were also in review
Some takeaways:
- There is a pretty even split between the LQRQ and the moderators when processing flags that hit review
- Moderators tend to process similar numbers of review flags in any of the timespans (< 60, 60-120, etc), but the LQRQ takes significantly longer to process flags with most of them being handled > 4 hours into review
We already know that the review queue is pretty much handling all it can handle. We're going to look to see if there are anything we can do to tweak the settings, on it to help things move along. Keep an eye out in the coming weeks for another test for science.