NAA is for answers that don't make any attempt to answer the question:
- asdfjhaklsefuh
- I like cows
- Thanks!
- Did you find the solution?
- Sometimes link-only answers, but not all moderators agree
VLQ is for posts that are:
Very low quality(no, that's downvote).Have severe formatting or content problems(no, that's also downvote, especially for formatting problems (Y U NO EDIT?)).Unlikely to be salvageable through editing, and might need to be removed(no, that's downvote, and delete vote for the (10|20)kers (i.e. nobody)).Utter garbage(no, that's too subjective and a moderator will likely disagree with you a significant amout of the time)Questions that need help getting closed and the flag to use on horrible answers that have 0 or less votes (because NAA tends to be declined more for some reason)(no, while the LQRQ queue may appear to be designed for that, moderators hate it as it reportedly goes into their queue too)- NAA, gibberish, non-English, rudeness, anything which a moderator can't not delete (this is the answer for making the moderators happy in practice).
The VLQ flag is badly defined, misused, misimplemented for questions (closing instead of deleting (which is what the flag is for(?)) in the LQRQ), and nobody agrees on their usage. For answers, it's even more confusing since there are 2 indistinguishable flags both with confusing definitions.
Can we create a concrete definition of VLQ for questions and answers that goes to one queue and doesn't colide with NAA? I would like a "recommend deletion" flag (including irrelevant answers that would require seeing the question to review). And a "convert to comment" flag.
… it's purpose isn't for gibberish apparently, that counts as "abuse".