When we vote to close a question we have multiple choices. When we vote for deleting a question according to this answer, it is not needed to provide a reason as it is mostly for the same reason as the question has been closed (I don't totally agree but it is another subject).
But my question is why not leaving the ability to explain a vote for undeleting a question because some times the context is not obvious and needs to be explained more for a better moderation. The provided arguments could be considered as not good enough by people reading them but at least they will have everything needed to take the best possible decision.
EDIT: The scope of this feature request is not limited to any particular reason of deletion, a question could be abusively deleted by peers but also by the OP (in case of an assignment for example as the OP doesn't want to leave any trace that he did not do it by himself) or by the system (due to a bug for example). For all the examples listed previously and many others it could be interesting to explain our undelete vote as it cannot be explained just with a simple click to vote.