Imo the title is just fine ™. If it needs to be changed at the very least change it to something more useful instead of the same thing wrapped in other words.
The issues with the current edits on the question are:
UTF-8 all the way through my web application (Apache, MySQL, PHP, ...)
We have tags for that. Also it is not limited to those things at all. So no that edit doesn't make any sense.
UTF-8 all the way through MySQL, PHP, and HTML
Again: no no no no. See previous rollback.
How to support UTF-8 completely in a web application
Again: this only limits it to a specific context (web applications) which is neither the only thing the answer is about nor how it is being used as canonical.
How to set support for UTF-8 all for the way through entire application?
Better, but it's a the same thing wrapped in other words. I would be totally ok with this if it would help people find the question better, but most likely it would not. As such it doesn't really improve what (I think) you people are hoping to fix.
People are searching for
- "encoding issues"
- "weird characters"
- "strange symbols"
- "special characters"
- "question marks appearing"
- "characters not showing"
- "language x (characters) not showing properly"
- "� shows up"
Linked questions
I don't see any way you could ever capture all that in the title in a sane way. Nor does any of the edits do anything to capture or even hint at those.
As it currently is the title is just a perfect title for the answer. Once you have read the answer the title makes complete sense and covers it perfectly.
I realize that somewhat goes against our Q&A model, but in this specific case I personally don't see a better way.