I asked a question on Stack Overflow. Due to my inexperience in the topic I didn't quite know how to ask the question to fully get across what I needed to know. I think partially because of this the question received no answers.
After some more research into the topic I found exactly what I needed to ask and how to put it into a question. Because of this I thought it was a good idea to delete my old question, re-make another question with the new phrasing etc so that it would be better understood and have a better chance to be answered. I thought the question would be different and this would be okay.
I understand now that this was a mistake. My question was downvoted and immediately got a comment telling me "Man, don't delete your question and repost. People don't like that here."
I completely understand what I did wrong and how I should have gone about it, needless to say I wouldn't do it again. But what this leaves me with now is, a deleted question, a perfectly good question downvoted because of the fashion it was posted. And no answer.
I would still like an answer to the question, what would be the best course of action to take to best get one from this point?