Recently a limit to the number of examples per topic was introduced: 6 examples per topic for all users, 12 examples per topic for users with full editing privileges (2000 rep). I suppose that means that 6 examples should be enough in almost all cases, and in exceptional cases more examples can be added.
However, old topics with many examples were silently grandfathered: they keep all examples, you just can't add any more. Considering there're many of these topics and they're the most active, something must be done, because right now, they all are incorrectly organized, according to the current rules.
Some topics, like "Java Pitfalls", were already split (in this case into "Java Pitfalls", "Java Pitfalls - Exceptions", "Java Pitfalls - Language syntax"). Considering lack of cross-linking in any form (either traditional documentation hierachy (unsupported), or tagging with categories (unsupported), or even linking in the Remarks sections), I consider this counter-productive, as it's now harder to find all parts and read the whole topic, but I guess it's up for debate.
So, let's start doing something. Here're some of the topics which are considered incorrectly organized under the current rules (in order of popularity, which is a sum of upvotes I guess):
- C# 6.0 Features - 13
- Extension Methods - 21
- C# 7.0 Features - 7
- Keywords - 68 (!!!)
- LINQ Queries - 52 (!!!)
- Using Statement - 8
- Exception Handling - 15
- Operators - 24
- Enums - 16
- Yield keyword - 11
- Generics - 24 (!!!)
- String.Format - 11
- Constructors & finalizers - 13
- Reflection - 18
- Events - 9
- Lambda expressions - 7
- Lock Statement - 10
- Inheritance - 9
- Interoperability - 7
- Arrays - 11
- Common String Operations - 19
- Delegates - 13
- Async-Await - 7
- DateTime Methods - 7
- Interfaces - 7
- Properties - 7
- Preprocessor directives - 8
- Looping - 8
- Design pattern implementation in C# - 18
- Attributes - 7
- nameof Operator - 9
- AssemblyInfo.cs Examples - 10
- Threading - 11
- An overview over collection types in C# - 7
- File and Stream I/O - 10
- Regular expressions - 7
- Intent - 25 (!!!)
- Gradle for Android - 26 (!!!)
- ADB (Android Debug Bridge) - 32 (!!!)
- Material Design for all Android versions - 14
- SQLite - 12
- RecyclerView - 13
- SharedPreferences - 13
- Glide - 8
- Parsing JSON in Java/Android - 10
- Logging and using Logcat - 10
- Layouts - 15
- Resources - 16
- Picasso - 10
- ButterKnife - 7
- Firebase - 11
- GSON - 12
- Getting Started with Retrofit2 - 11
- AsyncTask - 8
- Data Binding Library Basics - 10
- Volley - 10
- ImageView - 13
- Google Maps API v2 for Android - 10
- Themes - 10
- Service - 8
- BroadcastReceiver - 8
- HttpURLConnection - 8
- Compatibility between Python 3 and Python 2 - 47 (!!!)
- Comprehensions - 11
- Introduction to Python - 16
- Generators - 13
- String Formatting - 16
- Functions - 16
- List - 20
- Common Pitfalls - 10
- String Methods - 20
- Classes - 16
- Virtual environments - 9
- Importing modules - 11
- Regular expressions - 12
- Simple math - 9
- Bitwise Operators - 7
- Loops - 7
- Date and Time - 14
- Math module - 10
- Pip: PyPI Package Manager - 9
- Tuple - 8
- Files & Folders IO - 13
- Dictionary - 15
- Conditionals - 7
- itertools module - 13
- Indexing and Slicing - 8
- Garbage Collection - 8
- Parsing Command Line arguments - 7
- Exponentiation - 9
- Web scraping with Python - 7
- Sorting, Minimum and Maximum - 8
- Exceptions - 12
- Security and Cryptography - 7
- Unit Testing - 10
- JSON Module - 8
- Arrays - 24 (!!!)
- Streams - 27 (!!!)
- Strings - 28 (!!!)
- Lambda Expressions - 14
- Enums - 17
- Generics - 15
- Exceptions - 14
- Optional - 9
- Primitive Data Types - 15
- Operators - 26 (!!!)
- Oracle Official Code Standard - 18
- Documenting Java Code - 8
- Collections - 25 (!!!)
- Java Restful Web Services (JAX-RS) - 13
- Interfaces - 11
- Object class methods & constructor - 8
- Inheritance - 12
- Big Integer - 7
- Design Patterns - 13
- Concurrent Programming (Threads) - 27 (!!!)
- Maps - 13
- Nashorn JavaScript engine - 8
- Java Pitfalls - 9 - still :)
- JSON in Java - 12
- File I/O - 21
- Reflection API - 12
- Recursion - 10
- JAXB - 8
- Classes and Objects - 7
- Networking - 7
- Date Class - 12
- Installing Java (Standard Edition) - 10
- Serialization - 7
- Basic Control Structures - 12
- Executors - 9
- Non-Access Modifiers - 7
Okay, here is the list. What do you think should be done with these topics?
P. S. I included topics with 7-12 examples because there're a lot of them. Every second topic can't be an exception, so something needs to be done. In the current state, examples can't be added to most of the top topics, unless you have 2000 rep.