The number of examples in the largest Python documentation topic Compatibility between Python 2 and 3Compatibility between Python 2 and 3 was a symptom of far worse problems with the documentation system.
The current state of that topic was the result of merging very different topics into one (the topics were one that briefly explained the major differences between Python 2 and 3 for beginners, and the one explaining how to write Python 2 and 3 compatible code aimed at library developers, one detailing __future__
imports), thus creating this abomination. At first it was called Python 2 vs 3 but then again it was renamed into Compatibility, and that stuck. These merges could perhaps have been avoided if there were a properly written "Focus" section.
Afterwards, someone raised an issue with it having too many topics (IIRC it was at 87 at that time), and someone then removed the correct or thorough examples of everything from the compatibility topic, retaining the incorrect or superficial examples from the beginner topic, as the former had more upvotes than the latter. (So clearly now everyone should be happy as the number of examples was brought down).
And since this topic has been the most popular topic there, we've seen not only utterly useless editsutterly useless edits usually with one rejection and one approval, but also people adding incorrect information to correct examples just to buy the ticket to the "internet-points train". As a result by now pretty much everyone who actually holds a gold badge in python has lost all hope on the documentation ever being something sensible and doesn't even want to look into there, let alone fix any mistakes.
Thus, this is exactly how the current system was designed to work - lack on any limits on privileges, lax rules on approvals (if there is a pending edit on the example that you're going to edit, then better approve it now than risk your addition being rolled back when the other is approved), no structure in documentation, no focus section, "everything is an example", "examples are independent", everyone gets rep for useless edits - basically everything in the then system and how it rewarded its contributors create this mess. I hope that the review limits from Documentation Update, August 4th will help alleviate these problems.
However, even now, the Focus section is needed for this to not repeat. As it is now, even if I split these into separate topics, there is no way of telling others what examples should be expected under each topic. Additionally, the focus should be visible when approving any edit from the queue.