You're confusing "Rank Change" with "Reputation Change" in this case.
What you're seeing in the default sort is users ordered by how much reputation they received. In this case, 57 users this quarter have gained 5,000 rep or more. This is easily confirmed by finding the rank 57 user for the quarter, and noting they are (currently) the last user with more than 5,000 rep gained this quarter.
Here's where you're getting confused: When you sort by "Rank Change", you're sorting by how many places they went up or down in the league since the last quarter. Basically, you're sorting on this column:
That column isn't the change in reputation for the quarter, just the change in their place on the list. In this picture we can see that Stephen Cleary has currently moved up 62 places on the list, and Lightness Races In Orbit has moved up 63 places.
So when you sort on "Rank Change", there are a lot more people who have gone up more than 5,000 places on the leaderboard than there currently are people who have gained 5,000 reputation on Stack Overflow this quarter.