I received so many downvotes so I had to remove this question. It's not a homework question. It's a problem that I faced when learning some algorithms. What could be the reason for the downvotes?
1 Answer
The likely reason for downvotes is that your "question" does not actually pose a question. You need to be specific when positing a question and use a sentence that ends with a question mark.
Hope that gives some guidance.
EDIT FOLLOWING psubsee2003 comment
As psubsee2003 rightly says, you need to provide more information when asking the question, what is your code trying to achieve, etc, what is the stack trace. You need to ask it in such a way that the answerer needs no more further information.
I did put question mark at the end. I asked what is the bug in my code...look I have commented out the place which cause problem. Someone edited my question Commented Apr 4, 2016 at 14:29
i am not talking about the question mark in this question. I am talking about the missing question mark in your down voted question that this question refers to.– danday74Commented Apr 4, 2016 at 14:32
1@AbhimanyuAryan I can't see the original, but unless that person significantly edited the question, even your original was a poor question. Adding a question mark doesn't really make it a question. You provided a block of code and the output, but you really didn't explain anything. It would be difficult for someone to be able to understand your actual question without sitting next to you and discussing it. Commented Apr 4, 2016 at 14:35
values fine. But doesn't not store current/correct values ofstr
global array @Ferrybig