data.frame is "One of the most basic data structures in the R language" (cited from the tags wiki), while dataframes is something entirely different.
Problem is, that users (especially new ones) don't read the wiki (which emphasizes the difference) and keep tagging r questions with dataframes way too often.
We are actively trying to clear this queue but always being overwhelmed with the flood of new r /dataframes questions.
The feature request: I wonder if it possible to add a warning for a user that tries to tag a r question with dataframes and suggest data.frame instead? Here's a draft, following the tone of the sql popup tip:
Tip: Questions about the use of data.frames in R usually get better answers if they are tagged correctly, with the data.frame tag instead of dataframes.
Update 14/3/2016
As for now, the queue has been cleared due to collaborate community effort (especially @Jaap). Though still looking for a more robust solution.
Also, this seems like both feasible and already tested possible solution that can be implemented in this case too.
, i.e. global replace with some attention to detecting false positives?