I was about to request the addition of angular2 and angular-2 as a synonym of angularjs-2.0 here on meta, when I found a question asking almost the same thing, but instead of requesting a synonym, it was requesting a retag.
That was kind of unexpected for me. Then, I took a look at their corresponding descriptions:
This tag is for requests to replace one tag with another existing tag. It also applies to requests that one tag should be merged into another, or simply abandoned.
A request to add one tag as the synonym of another tag. Please be specific about which tag should be a synonym of which. Bidirectional synonyms and cycles are implicitly disallowed, so suggest wisely.
Unfortunately, it didn't help much to understand the differences, the purpose, and the consequences of each request type.
Also, I've noticed that there are a lot of "Merge/Synonym requests" on meta (for example: Merge/Synonym request: [caliburn] and [caliburn.micro]), which might confirm that it is kind of hard to fully understand and decide which action we should request.
So, what exactly differ a retag from a synonym?