When a user immediately follows a question with a comment that is important to the understanding and answering of that question, should the comment be moved to the body of the question itself?
Shortly after asking the question here, the OP posted a comment with some more information on what s/he had already tried:
I've tried a few methods - eg for each data frame replace the columns with a multi-index like
.from_product(['ABC', columns])
and then concatenate along axis=1, without success...
Because I thought this comment should really have been part of the original question, I submitted this suggested edit, which moved the comment, in full, to the question. The edit was rejected and the reason given by the three rejecting users was This edit is incorrect or an attempt to reply to or comment on the existing post.
Have I misunderstood the division of comments and questions? Should this really have been left to the comments? Or is this, perhaps, a case of reviewers not carefully reading the edit?