I messed up big time here.
Big is probably an understatement. This question should never have been deleted.
The worst part of this mistake is that I have never visited this question or its answers, and neither has this question appeared in the mod flag queue recently. This stumped me for a while and I questioned my sanity while frantically reviewing my browser history and moderation activity.
The cause was an experimental userscript I made to bulk-delete posts from the search results page.
I thought I had this completely under control:
- the userscript was previously trialled several times on a couple of users with verified spam posts
- the search query used was targeted on a specific user (not the one in question) using the filters
together with the url:<domain.name>
so it wouldn't return posts by other users
Unfortunately one can never be too careful when caching or regular expressions are involved, especially when both are thrown in the mix - I should have known better that search results are cached, and regular expressions matching post IDs can go awry if not done correctly.
This post in particular (ID:13) was somehow picked up by a poor regular expression in a search query for a spammy user / domain combination. I have not determined the exact bug in the userscript, but I have since disabled it and deleted it from the repository as this must not be allowed to happen ever again.
After extensively reviewing my deletion votes history up to the initial creation of the doomsday userscript, this particular post was the only incident that was incorrectly deleted via this userscript. (I barely used it as there was almost no reason to)
Please accept my apologies for the damage this has caused during the question's downtime, and I swear I will be more careful in future.
In the meantime I will be wearing this paper bag while reviewing the rest of my userscripts...