I just discovered that I was banned from reviewing for approving this edit. At least, the "Review" page shows so:

I just don't understand, what was wrong with it? There were two changes in formatting and one typo fix. This seems appropriate to me.

  • The name of the file "test.html" was changed in two places to include code formatting, so that it stood out like test.html.
  • The misspelled word "knwo" was corrected to "know".

I also don't understand why I was banned from all review queues? Why not just from "Suggested Edits" queue?

Added: I do understand that edits with formatting only, or inappropriate formatting, is frowned upon and I do reject such suggestions, but this particular edit was also fixing a typo which clearly was an improvement.

  • 30
    The edit is a bit minor but I might also have approved it.
    – BDL
    Commented Feb 3, 2019 at 20:20
  • 34
    I personally would have rejected this, as it's such a minimal improvement on a two year old question, it doesn't warrant bumping to the front page. However, a review ban certainly shouldn't be issued as a result of this.
    – jhpratt
    Commented Feb 3, 2019 at 20:33
  • 28
    @Jean-FrançoisFabre If there was only (minor) formatting, I'd reject it, but there also was typo fix. That means that the person clearly read the text and tried to improve it. Now, this edit is rejected by moderator, that means there is "knwo" again. Is it really better alternative for +2 rep?
    – Styx
    Commented Feb 3, 2019 at 20:36
  • 7
    @Jean-FrançoisFabre No, this dupe also doesn't answer my question. Fixing "knwo -> know" is clearly improvement, wouldn't you agree?
    – Styx
    Commented Feb 3, 2019 at 20:39
  • 12
    the moderator judgement prevails here. It was considered minor. Or maybe the mod didn't even see the typo on "know". Who knwos? Commented Feb 3, 2019 at 20:41
  • 13
    The only useful part of the edit was the typo fix. The other part, highlighting file names in code blocks, was unnecessary and useless. I would have “reject and edit” to just fix the typo.
    – Eric Aya
    Commented Feb 3, 2019 at 20:50
  • 4
    @Moritz Yes, perhaps I should have "reject&edit" it, though every time I do that I feel like I'm steeling their work...
    – Styx
    Commented Feb 3, 2019 at 21:03
  • 25
    @Moritz: I suspect that those backticks were only used to get to the minimum change count.
    – Martijn Pieters Mod
    Commented Feb 3, 2019 at 21:40
  • 9
    It was in response to a flag - there was a reviewer basically adding backticks stackoverflow.com/users/7579443/acesaif?tab=activity. Yes reject and edit the typo. In cases of a post that's really old, it's preferable not to bump it for the sake of one char. The duplicate targets here answer your question perfectly. Note I will only ever go through review histories in response to flags.
    – user3956566
    Commented Feb 3, 2019 at 23:31
  • 12
    Bumping to the front page is not an issue for Stack Overflow (in contrast to all other Stack Exchange sites). The rate of new questions is way too high for that - about one every 47 seconds right now (77 questions per hour - extrapolated 1800 per day, but I think right now is low traffic time). Commented Feb 4, 2019 at 6:44
  • 5
    @PeterMortensen we're hard pushed getting low quality stuff off the site, to float the good stuff on the front page, let alone needlessly adding old posts to the front page (one of the posts was ten years old). As a general rule of thumb it's a good policy to try and enforce, otherwise we can have editors going bananas on editing sprees and then it really does flood the front page. The thin edge of the wedge - where to stop it.
    – user3956566
    Commented Feb 4, 2019 at 6:48
  • 16
    I may be a bit strict, but code formatting is for code. Adding backticks for non-code stuff such as file names is a bad edit, and probably just noise added on purpose to be able to make a one-character edit. Edits like that should always be rejected imo.
    – Erik A
    Commented Feb 4, 2019 at 8:30
  • 10
    @ErikvonAsmuth filenames should be backticked whenever they have spaces or dots or other typographic elements that conflict with written English.
    – Cœur
    Commented Feb 4, 2019 at 15:57
  • 6
    @Cœur Agree to disagree on that. I generally italicize filenames to indicate they're not code, but not English either, but that's just preference. I don't think we should use code formatting for non-code, even if it's a filename, error or output. You can use blockquotes, italics and boldfacing to format that appropriately.
    – Erik A
    Commented Feb 4, 2019 at 16:12
  • 6
    Easy: code blocks (“backticks”) are for code, and file names are not code. :)
    – Eric Aya
    Commented Feb 4, 2019 at 20:22

2 Answers 2


It was in response to a flag - there was an editor basically adding backticks. Yes reject and edit the typo. In cases of a post that's really old, it's preferable not to bump it for the sake of one char.

The purpose of the review ban is to make the reviewer take note. I need to customise my ban messages to explain why there is a ban. Linking to a post like this may be a good idea. Sorry there wasn't enough explanation.

Note I will only ever go through review histories in response to flags.

If people feel the need to polish posts, at least wait until you have edit privileges. By then you should have a feel of what is ok and what is not. The review system is designed to teach people the best way to go about things.

As for review banning only certain queues we have no control over that. It's an all or nothing approach.

I've removed the review ban, as it's really about gaining the person's attention so they can learn from it and you've certainly done that.

See also:

  • 7
    There may be other reasons for avoiding one-character edits (comprehensive edits being one of them), but bumping is not one of them (on Stack Overflow). Commented Feb 4, 2019 at 7:46
  • 5
    @Peter I disagree. A bunch of noisy edits can (and does) still launch a DoS on the "interesting" questions page, which is what I primarily use to find, um, interesting questions to answer. I'm not saying to avoid editing, of course. I'm just saying you still have to strike a balance, even on a very large site. I mostly see this problem with tag "burnination" sprees, though, rather than earnest attempts to clean up formatting/grammar.
    – Cody Gray Mod
    Commented Feb 4, 2019 at 7:50
  • 4
    @YvetteColomb Thanks, I appreciate that, though I have to admin that my goal was not to understand the reason of ban, but to understand what was wrong with this edit. I did understand, yes. I also didn't know that edits of old posts bump them to the front page, so I will be more careful from now on.
    – Styx
    Commented Feb 4, 2019 at 7:52
  • 5
    Thanks for taking the time to answer this - I received a ban regarding for accepting one of this user's edits, and while I was able to work out for myself that I'd approved an edit that was too trivial, I agree it would have been helpful to get some kind of informative message as to why the ban was issued (though I appreciate you may not have much time). Thanks again for the work that you do, and thanks to Samuel Liew for pointing me towards this post. Commented Feb 4, 2019 at 8:33
  • 39
    Bah, ban me for review too, as I did approve a minor typo correction too! I'm siding with Styx here: we shouldn't barrage editors from improving posts, even for minor edits. If the problem comes from too many suggested edits, then act on the editor, not on the reviewers!
    – Cœur
    Commented Feb 4, 2019 at 15:34
  • 6
    Yvette, you're suggesting reject and edit, but all you did was rejecting without performing the edit part. So I've done it for you and I've fixed the typo from the linked post.
    – Cœur
    Commented Feb 4, 2019 at 15:53
  • 5
    What more could have been improved on the post that the editor missed? (Might be a grammar problem in the answer, I'm not sure, I'm not really an expert in HTML). Every meta topic I've found on the topic has said that "too minor isn't a reject reason", and that any edit, no matter how small, if it improves something, is worth doing (as long as it fixes all issues on the post); did this change?
    – jrh
    Commented Feb 4, 2019 at 16:22
  • 18
    This should really be it's own Meta Question ... but ... If the problem is that the edit will cause the post to get bumped, then isn't a "better" solution to make a way to approve edits without bumping the post? i.e. It shouldn't be "don't approve minor edits" but rather "don't bump minor edits"?
    – user310988
    Commented Feb 4, 2019 at 16:59
  • 5
    I'm really busy today, but I will get back to all this in the next 12 -24 hours.
    – user3956566
    Commented Feb 4, 2019 at 20:16
  • 6
    It would be more appropriate not to bump old questions when there is only a small change was made. Both editor and reviewers completed their job. The fact that the question is old is not their problem.
    – gudok
    Commented Feb 5, 2019 at 9:18
  • 7
    @YvetteColomb It is currently the responsibility of editors and reviewers to make a note of how old a post is, because the system erroneously bumps minor edits. If the system worked correctly, and didn't bump minor edits, then there would be no problem with approving minor edits, right?
    – user310988
    Commented Feb 5, 2019 at 11:17
  • 4
    @YvetteColomb if SO is a knowledge repository,does the age of a post really matter though, if it's still useful? Isn't it more important to maintain all the hard work people put in over the years than it is to clutter the front page for a couple of seconds? (Though I'd rather posts not get bumped automatically at all for edits in most cases, I'd rather err on the side of "let's fix content" than "let's not distract answerers for a couple seconds")
    – jrh
    Commented Feb 5, 2019 at 13:00
  • 9
    @YvetteColomb Can you clarify what you mean by your last comment? IMO questions with problems should be edited no matter their age. We do ask some discretion from low-rep users who can only make suggestions so as to avoid piling on less-important tasks for edit reviewers... but that's a matter of politeness; it's certainly not something that should earn a Reject action IMO.
    – TylerH
    Commented Feb 5, 2019 at 16:16
  • 11
    Bumping is not a good reason to refrain from fixing actual problems. SO needs to fix this, like we've been saying since before I even became a member. If we don't want minor edits to bump a post, that should be implemented in the site software, not used as an excuse to leave the site worse off than it could be.
    – jpmc26
    Commented Feb 6, 2019 at 4:19
  • 5
    I agree with gudok and jpmc26 that we should fix the bumping logic instead of working around it by not editing old questions. Commented Feb 6, 2019 at 9:23

For what it's worth, I think you did the right thing on this post and that Yvette shouldn't have rolled back this particular edit.

What complicates things is that most of this editor's other suggestions this day are either outright objectively bad or at least contain some objectively bad changes:

However, the edit that this Meta question is about is, to my eyes, entirely good and deserving of approval. It fixes an outright typo, which is definitely good. It also adds backticks around the filename test.html, which would be subjective and a matter of taste normally... except that the post being edited already uses backticks around test.html in the other place where the name is used. Making the formatting of the post internally consistent strikes me as good, even if neither of the two styles is clearly better than the other.

For (I presume) that reason or a similar one, Cœur has rolled back Yvette's rollback. I think that's the correct outcome.

In general, editors on backticking sprees will tend to make some good edits; some of the backticks they add are probably appropriate, they may be fixing typos as well, and if you're lucky that results in at least a few clearly positive edits getting made even if the majority of the changes made in the spree are bad. It doesn't make sense to do a mass rollback and review ban without considering the virtues of the individual edits, but that looks to me like what Yvette did here.

On the other hand, you did, uh, approve this edit by the same editor which did nothing but add backticks, most of which were around technology names in a context where they were simply being used as proper nouns in prose, not as code or identifiers of any kind. That's definitely a wrong review on your part, and I'd have no issue with Yvette sending a raised eyebrow your way over that approval.

  • 2
    Thanks for your input, and you're right about "this edit", I shouldn't have approved it also. It seems I was too careless this day, and if my ban banner would have link to this edit, I wouldn't even wonder about the reason.
    – Styx
    Commented Feb 6, 2019 at 8:33

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