This is a continuation of this question however, the proposal is slightly different:
(Edit: as pointed out by @Braiam the off-topic description in the image is too exclusive due to the mention of programming, so the actual suggested text has been amended below, I'm open to any and all suggestions)
My proposal aims to please people on either side of the fence, meaning:
- Those people who want to flag irrelevant answers as NAA because they aren't actually answering the question (answer is using different language than original question or is just completely off topic).
- Those people who argue that if you look at it literally, it is answering the question by the mere fact that it is an answer and not a question, comment, or follow up.
With the addition of the off topic flag, we should amend the description of the NAA flag to become:
This was posted as an answer however it should possibly be an edit, comment, another question or deleted altogether.
and have the off topic flag's description to be:
This was posted as an answer but does not address the original question.
Obviously, the descriptions can be amended to be worded better, hence this has been tagged as a discussion too.