There was yet again a question posted in a wrong language (now deleted, i.e. 10k+). Since there are other checks already in place, perhaps it would be worthwhile to require that a question title on English-speaking Stack Overflow must contain several letters [a-zA-Z]
in the title. In this case all characters in the title "Заполнение диагоналей трехмерной матрицы" (translation: "Filling the diagonals of a three-dimensional matrix ") were either white space or Cyrillic letters.
As a further improvement the body of that particular question had 3 letters N
of the Latin script in the body, and that would have failed the dummiest validation, but perhaps there should be a simple frequency analysis - if too many \w+
words outside the code blocks have letters not in [a-zA-Z]
then at least a warning should be displayed - this should also catch even those occasional Việtnamese ones that I've seen.