The motivating idea seems to fall squarely into begging the question category: underspecified enough to be nigh useless of a concern - since everyone will read into it whatever they have on their mind, and if I was looking for malicious intent I'd just sweep it up as asking leading questions in search of a problem.
My basic premise is: outdated answers are a narrow category. First, a value judgment is made literally on the date an answer was given. Sure, being old is a factual and perhaps non-judgmental observation, yet whether it implies any sort of out-of-date-ness in pejorative sense is a very long leap that better had a good and considerate argument going for it. Out-of-date-ness implies loss of relevance, but it's not a straightforward implication. A slide rule technique doesn't become useless, invalid or "outdated" just because of technological progress someone finally has the choice not to use said slide rule.
Lest I be unclear: a survey is not an argument, in as much as a PowerPoint deck is not an engineering analysis. It may be a prompt, at best, but now this meta question seems to devolve into just a prompt. Aren't mere prompts considered low-effort? Is Meta really a place where low-effort questions are to be fleshed out by the community? I do consider the question to be extremely low-effort, and an XY problem classic to boot.
There's plenty of nuance as to how age of the old answers affects their usefulness and applicability.
First of all, an answer isn't outdated just because it refers to, say, an older language standard/version or an older version of some software package/library. This would be, after all, placing a value judgement on the technology or even question - not an answer. A good quality answer about an "outdated" technology is not by extension outdated itself: it may well represent the best we know about what now amounts to a historical artifact!
By default, we can't but presume that an answer is as relevant to some "environment version" as it was the day it was posted, even if the version/environment may not be relevant anymore. Let's leave that to be judged by those who look for/need such answers. Lots of people are "stuck" on older development environments (in all imaginable ways - be it compiler versions, language versions, third party library versions, OS versions, hardware being targeted, etc.). They may have little choice in the manner, and while I always think that mainstream development should do its best to reap the benefits of new features and foundational improvements, it'd be extremely short sighted to presume that everyone refuses to upgrade out of mere stubbornness. If anything, there's always some work involved in upgrades, and those holding the paycheck may have some say into what they wish to spend their money on. Or someone may just wish to write stuff in C++98 out of sheer thrill of it all - who are we to judge? Are all C++98 questions and answers to be made off-topic and relegated to Retrocomputing?
On that note, I personally see Retrocomputing as a targeted conglomerate of Super User and Electrical Engineering, and a question about, say, dealing with file descriptors on CP/M shouldn't be off-topic on SO just because Retrocomputing exists, lest we face an urgent need to periodically move answers en-masse just because they now seem to touch on an "old" programming topic. That's IMHO a very slippery slope. But hey: you can't pretend that Retrocomputing doesn't exist when asking about "outdated" anything. Tape sorts seem plenty on-topic on SO, since they are genuine algorithmic approaches that often renew their relevancy when facing the complex multi-leveled memory hierarchies. Sequential cache prefetch brings the "historic" tape algorithms into mainstream performance leaders, after all. That's the problem with classifications so loaded and broad that they bring with them indifferent pejorative slant.
There could be some mechanism to tag the answers to help resolve this issue with respect to answers narrower than the question itself. Not all questions limit to just one particular "version" of the environment they are set in, often by necessity. Someone asking a C++ question on SO in 2009 didn't have to worry much about C++11 if they weren't inquiring specifically about "C++0x" and its standardization/development efforts. There was just "one" C++ back then, not the plethora we have now. Even C++20 and C++11 are sufficiently different to warrant very different idiomatic approaches to common problems - thus a C++20 answer doesn't make a C++11 answer outdated. Even Python 3 was only just about to be released at the end of 2008 - several months after SO was up and running already.
Answers can be on-topic, yet cover vastly different versions, approaches, and methodologies, based on the period they were provided in, or the period they refer to. An arbitrary coverage of some older environment in an answer can't be seen as a negative if the question doesn't limit the solution space. Say, a question may refer to C++ in general, but there may be 3 or 4 or even 20 viable routes for a good answer based on what language version it's set in. If the question doesn't narrow the choice down sufficiently in the question tags, it seems that perhaps the answer tags could do that job. In that case, sorting by score would need to be by mutually exclusive tags first, e.g. so that a 15-score C++20 answer could be shown next to a 500-score C++98 answer.
Another side of this same coin is an answer that wasn't particularly good at the time it was provided and in relation to the version, variant of language, library, and methodology it was set in. It's not automatically a better or worse of an answer just due to passage of time either: it was not good to begin with. There's perhaps a natural tendency to think of those as "outdated" after some times passes, also because the state of the art moves on yet may an answer may remain applicable to the "historic" environment of the question. The potential effect of the motion of state of the art while keeping the historic context fixed requires some care!
Is it valid to call outdated an answer that lost relevancy only in retrospect? Perhaps that's the avenue where it could be a genuine concern. Think of network security, for example. Over time, we develop more knowledge of the past, so, if anything, the solution space of a particular historic problem may become better understood or even a completely new and indisputably better approach may present itself. In this specific case, I believe it's valid to argue that an answer has inherently become outdated.
But then: what should we do about it - if at all - while having to resort to tools not already within our toolbox? If I run past an answer suggesting to build up SQL queries by string concatenation in a way that is a SQL injection free-for-all, I'd expect anyone to downvote it because we generally know a lot better than to commit such atrocities. Should anything else or extra be done about such an answer, though? Now consider a slightly different answer that doesn't commit any security atrocities, but simply provides a technique that has much better alternatives nowadays - let's presume that such alternatives carry back and apply to the historical context of the answer. It may well be considered "outdated" by the criterion I proposed, but does it warrant downvotes or any other special action? And especially if no better answer exists? It is a presumed ideal that answers are judged in isolation from each other, but that's not how life works at all, and it's IMHO an unrealistic standard. Answers are voted for by humans, and ultimately a significantly better or even more flashy or better presenting answer can always cast neighboring perfectly acceptable and reasonable answers in "bad light". So, if anything, there already is some pressure that favors the newer/more modern approaches, and voting bears this out. Do we need any special nails in the coffin to further underscore the difference? I'm yet to see any well-reasoned argument for it.