There are certain tips for writing good questions that new users particularly don't abide by, for which they are often chided via comments and told to edit their questions. A large percentage of comments relate only to not obeying these tips. Further, lots of questions are closed ultimately, because they don't follow such tips.
As you said, the tips vary greatly depending on the context (that is, tags) of the question. Here's a few examples:
- sql: Include RDBMS tag, relevant schema, sample data and a link to an SQLFiddle of same and desired output
- java: Don't "code dump", make sure posted code compiles, create an short, self contained, correct compilable, example (SSCCE)
- regex: Post examples of text that should match and text that should not match. Post a link to an on-line regular expression tester with your sample input and attempted regular expression.
It would be great if such tag-sensitive question-writing tips were shown to the user as they were writing their question, rather than waiting for them to write the question and then get a raft of negative comments and have to edit it. The tag data would have to have a new attribute(s) for "question tips" (possibly a child entity for many).
As tags are added to a question, a panel could appear on the right with the relevant tips with (links to) sample questions demonstrating each tip.
The information about tips would be community driven with the tag-edit being enhanced to allow experts (for example, 1000 reputation points in the tag) to edit the tips.
Certain tags would "inherit" their tips from a "parent" tag, for example, mysql, oracle and postgres would all use the tips of sql.
I don't think tips should disappear after a certain number of reputation points is reached, because the tips are always relevant, and advanced users tend to answer questions, not ask them.
Further suggestion (tougher to implement, but very cool IMHO):
Do the above, but write some JavaScript code to detect when it seemed like the tips weren't being followed, and prompt the user to refine the question before posting it.
I don't know if this is the kind of answer you're looking for, but I was about to write my question on this exact topic, and noticed this duplicate. I think it's an awesome idea, and it would save lots of people lots of time correcting badly-written questions.
postings which really arenet-assembly
vanish like snow in the sun. :) Not really, but it may help. :)