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  • Member for 8 years, 6 months
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Is Documentation a failed experiment?
There needs to be some sort of incentivization in the form of reputation. The only examples that get upvotes are the ones that have a significant amount of upvotes already. Hence there is no incentive from a rep standpoint, to improve examples that will not be seen/upvoted (most exs in docs). Funny thing is the ones that have the most upvotes (highest probability to earn future upvotes) are immaculate. Very well formatted, with great information written in a succinct manner. If you want docs to be great, you got to incentivize behaviors with reputation. Anything short of that will not succeed
We'll always endeavor to do what's right. We'll try to do It better next time
@Pekka웃 It's difficult to say really what the number truly is due to multiple factors. An upvote does not necessarily mean that that person thought the post was suitable for MSO, but rather they were against Trump's policy. Similarly, a possible reason why downvotes may not have been issued is for that same fact. That people were against Trump's policy, and did not want to downvote due to this, but still found the post to be out of place. I'm sure if you were to take a poll, I have a strong feeling that a majority of MSO users would find that Joel's post is not suitable to be on MSO.
We'll always endeavor to do what's right. We'll try to do It better next time
@TimPost I think it's sad what's happened to the SO community. Joel and the SO team has caused so much anger and bitterness, yet nothing was accomplished for the people being affected by the ban. I really do hope you do take everything people have taken into consideration. I understand sometimes you guys want to speak out, but we really do not want too many of these high reputation, very helpful people, who dedicate their time to answer questions to leave the site.
We'll always endeavor to do what's right. We'll try to do It better next time
@TimPost If you want to do things your way, you don't need to tell us about it. I think that's what's annoying everyone. You're asking for advice on how to proceed, the community clearly tells you what they want (keep political discussions off of MSO), but you tell them you're going to do it anyways. If you plan on doing it anyways, don't ask for opinions, just do it. The only thing you have to live with it is people not wanting to come to SO anymore (which has happened with the political post that Joel posted), but that's an entirely different matter.
We'll always endeavor to do what's right. We'll try to do It better next time
What has been accomplished with Joel's post? He's annoyed a significant, possible majority of SO users and has done nothing to actually help people being affected by the ban. Next time, think what are you accomplishing before using MSO to posting political opinions on matters.
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Documentation Reputation Update Is Live
@JGreenwell Certainly possible, as that was implemented before the rep calc (today for me atleast). Still worrying though that they are further taking away motivation from writing docs though. It would be nice to have decent documentation, rather than sort through a mish-mash of random, and inconcise, blogs/articles from Google Search.
Documentation Reputation Update Is Live
@Rizier123 I'd agree with you that there are users who do not care about documentation, and having great open source literature. But I do believe that the review system of SO documentation is robust enough to stomp out bad edits (requires approval of several ppl). In regards to insignificant edits, there was a line drawn in the latest update. I do believe it is necessary to cut rep overall for pointless edits, but my point was that they've taken what is a significant edit too far, and now very few people will make significant edits neccessary(doc homepage shows 0 pending edits for most topics)