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Questions tagged [writing-style]

Questions about writing style in English (Copied from English Language & Usage:

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9 votes
5 answers

Practical suggestions on welcoming communication

This question is motivated by Joel Coehoorn's answer to Can we do more than just deleting rude comments?: Answering or commenting on a question is critical by it's nature, and it's harder to be nice ...
duplode's user avatar
  • 34.3k
25 votes
1 answer

Is there one reference for all the abbreviations used here?

My native language is not English, and I've seen many shortcuts of words used by a lot of users here, such as these words: OP: Original Poster SO: Stack Overflow AFAIK: As far as I know (Google ...
Anas Alweish's user avatar
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88 votes
1 answer

What is SO's style guide for buttons?

I notice that some buttons have their text in title case: (Or maybe every word is capitalised rather than title case being used.) Some are surely faulty, as noted in Capitalize the “s” in the search ...
Andrew Morton's user avatar
55 votes
7 answers

Should I avoid making suggestions/recommendations to someone who has a higher reputation than I do?

Long time ago, when I first joined Stack Overflow, while trying to help someone (who had >10k rep), I said something among the following lines: "Do this, don't do that". I admit that I'm not good at ...
Tân's user avatar
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8 votes
5 answers

Is it worth having guidelines for highly colloquial and comedic writing styles?

Most readers here are familiar with the famous regular expression answer, and Stack Overflow in my view is a richer place for occasionally allowing such things. However, I have found a user who is ...
halfer's user avatar
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