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44 votes
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Highly upvoted question selected for audit gets closed. Selecting close for audit results in failure

I just failed this audit in the Close Votes Review Queue. But I don't know how or why! As I nearly always do before taking any action other than "Skip," I opened the link in a separate tab (...
Adrian Mole's user avatar
  • 51.8k
14 votes
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Why some of my audits fail, should I report every issue?

Please, check the following screenshot: Here is the link to the review audit. I've chosen to Close this question, because we have exact reason: Questions asking us to recommend or find a book, ...
Rustam Gasanov's user avatar
23 votes
1 answer

A short-lived bug in a web page which isn't even linked in the question, is a known-good review audit

When I saw "Submit" for review button grayed out - Xcode 6 in the close review queue, I knew immediately that it was an audit (it obviously wouldn't have had the tags in my filter). I didn't ...
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar