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Strange line break in "Track next privilege/tag badge" popup

As shown in the image below, the popup seems to be too small for the text. I encountered this same issue on Opera, Edge and Chrome browsers.
D_00's user avatar
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Tag badges have an ugly black rectangle in dark mode

I noticed today that tag badges looked different than before in dark mode, in two places: In the "Top tags" section on the user profile page, there's a black rectangle surrounding the badge ...
41686d6564's user avatar
  • 19.6k
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Tag badge progress bar not filled in properly

The green bar demonstrating the progress toward a tag badge appears to be not filled in properly. It is definitely there on the answer bar, but the score bar is not perfect either. Reproduced on ...
tktsubota's user avatar
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Tag badge color [duplicate]

While looking at my recent badges, I discovered that when you put your cursor over a badge tag, the text become invisible. A little research inside the all.css file confirmed the issue : .badge-tag:...
Michaël Azevedo's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Possible display issue with my Stack Overflow profile

I have found a curious issue with my profile page. If I go to my meta profile page I get And in the Reputation box there is an area for a next tag badge. If I go to my main Stack Overflow ...
NathanOliver's user avatar