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No reputation for topic creation in documentation. Removed in Documentation Reputation Update [closed]

I have created few topics in documentation and awarded +2 reputation for each topic. Now that all are removed during Documentation Reputation Update. in this documentation update, it is mentioned ...
Ponnarasu's user avatar
  • 635
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Textarea outof Box when reject any Edit suggession

While reviewing Suggested Edits, if I reject an edit suggestion, the TextArea of the "Causes Harm" option goes outside of the pop-up. See the screenshot below:
Sadikhasan's user avatar
  • 18.6k
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Is the "new activity on a starred question highlighting" missing, poorly visible or removed?

I'm fairly certain that if there was new activity on a question I favorited/starred (as denoted by the blue "1"), when I clicked the favorites tab, any of those with new activity would be highlighted. ...
James Webster's user avatar
2 votes
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Small Design Disliking

this is not another hate post (I personally, kinda like the new design...) I've just noticed a very minor error (possibly?), when deleting my post this blue-on-red background was present, it was kind ...
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Bug - edit tag of a question [duplicate]

I tried to edit the tags of a post, but it seems I can't click the edit button. Here is a video describing what I mean. I tried with both Mozilla and Google Chrome, latest versions. Is this a bug, ...
Youcef LAIDANI's user avatar
-1 votes
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Why does a review ban occur when I click "edit", instead of "save"? [duplicate]

You have made too many incorrect reviews. For an example of a task you should have reviewed differently. Come back in 2 days to continue reviewing. I got the above ban today when I clicked the "...
syam's user avatar
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-4 votes
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How long before I get the Werewolf Hunter hat?

The Werewolf Hunter Hat: earn a silver badge I got the epic badge more than 24 hours ago and I still have not got the hat. Timeline below: 2014-12-26 23:41:39Z Got a +1 that pushed me past the ...
Salman Arshad's user avatar