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Questions tagged [retracted-flags]

A retracted flag is a flag that a user has voluntarily withdrawn.

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391 votes
3 answers

Add ability to cancel flags

It occasionally happens that a post or comment is flagged in error. Perhaps one's finger slipped and the wrong tiny icon was clicked. Perhaps the text was misread and a subsequent reading makes one ...
Fish Below the Ice's user avatar
44 votes
1 answer

Unable to retract Very Low Quality flag

I flagged an answer yesterday as VLQ (Very Low Quality). Since then, it has been accepted by the OP. After reading it again, it appears borderline, and I don't want to eat a declined flag, so I ...
Blue's user avatar
  • 22.9k
130 votes
2 answers

Make it possible to retract reopen votes

It is possible to retract close votes by clicking on the close button again and then clicking on "Retract close vote", but it doesn't seem to be possible to retract reopen votes (clicking ...
Donald Duck's user avatar
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27 votes
1 answer

Retracted flag does not let me flag again [duplicate]

For the purpose of this question, knowing and / or discussing the flag and / or post is not helpful. Thus discussing it or bringing it to light has no use. I recently flagged a question, marking it ...
Yates's user avatar
  • 552
68 votes
3 answers

Allow retracting flags on deleted posts even if you can't view deleted posts

Now that we have the ability to retract flags, I would like to make use of it to retract flags that would most likely be marked helpful but would have no further actionable effect on a post. Problem ...
Magisch's user avatar
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31 votes
1 answer

Does Retract Flag lead to flag ban?

What happens if I retract flag more number of times? Does it lead to flag ban?
Shridhar R Kulkarni's user avatar
7 votes
0 answers

It's impossible to retract VLQ flag if someone up-votes post after flag [duplicate]

Monitoring Stack Overflow, I saw an unregistered user posting answer with a link to a blog, which lead me to raise a VLQ flag, user posted same answer on other post (another VLQ flag and comment), ...
Petter Friberg's user avatar