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69 votes
1 answer

Why do auto upvotes on close vote comments count towards the daily limit?

I understand that SO (or entire SE for that matter) has imposed a limit on number of upvotes one can cast in a day because of the policy to rate limit everything and it seems reasonable. The limit is ...
Ajay Brahmakshatriya's user avatar
71 votes
1 answer

Don't collapse comments on much answered questions in review

Comments are usually collapsed when a question has many answers. When the question or one of the answers comes up in review, the (zero-vote) comments are still collapsed. This doesn't make sense. ...
Artjom B.'s user avatar
  • 61.8k
130 votes
3 answers

Add indication that canned comments are from review

I've had more than a few new users take the low quality review comments personally, some even going as far as arguing, revenge voting, and so on... I find myself needing to explain the review process ...
apaul's user avatar
  • 16.2k