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Questions that don't require explaining what was done to try to solve it

When developing it's normal to find an obstacle. To go through it, we generally start with a question, "How can I solve this?" (being solved defined as X) Most of the time we manage to go through it, ...
Tiago Peres's user avatar
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56 votes
2 answers

Spooked by robotic/repetitive questions in the First Post review

While going through the First Post review in the last few days I have noticed something weird. A lot of new posters are now putting lines like "Did research, found nothing", "No code", or "Look online ...
HFBrowning's user avatar
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503 votes
78 answers

“Ask a question” wizard prototype

You're all probably wondering who I am and where Joe is. I'm one of the developers on the Developer Affinity & Growth team with him, and I'm excited to tell you about a prototype that we'd love ...
Jon Chan's user avatar
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