Linked Questions

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Different table formatting in editor and outside [duplicate]

I came across this badly formatted answer and wanted to edit it to correct the formatting. The table formatting is messed as can be seen: However when I click edit, formatting is OK: Is there ...
Ruli's user avatar
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Why does a table on Stack Overflow have a difference in the table's perspective when editing/asking question and in an actual question? [duplicate]

I have been trying to create a table in a Stack Overflow question and am struggling to get my table right. Here's the perspective in the Edit view, However, when I hit Post Question, the table is ...
Milan Desai's user avatar
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Preview of tables doesn't match the live view [duplicate]

I went to edit this question to improve the formatting of the tables, since it looked broken: But when I went to edit it, the preview showed it to be correctly formatted: This seems to be ...
user438383's user avatar
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Embedded table is not showing correctly in question [duplicate]

I am trying to added a couple of embedded tables in this question using Stack Overflow's suggested format. When I or another user open the edit window, the table presents correctly in the question ...
Lewis's user avatar
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Table not being rendered correctly in final post [duplicate]

I included a markdown table in my post (How to use scoped APIs with (GSI) Google Identity Services) This is what my table looks like in the editor: This is the edit preview: But in the final post it ...
Abir Taheer's user avatar
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Question Preview does not match how the question looks on site when asked [duplicate]

This is with regards to this specific question. On site it looks like this - But in the edit preview it looks like this - There is a distinct mismatch between what is shown as a preview and what is ...
Karan Shishoo's user avatar
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Tables with images [duplicate]

When writing a post, it renders a table with images just fine: But once posted it doesn't render the table: |test|blah| |-|-| ||test|
vanowm's user avatar
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Table shows well on editing window but turns into text when posted [duplicate]

I just wrote a post over here about SQL (yes, it is a basic question - I know very little about SQL). And while the preview/editing screen correctly shows the table, it disappears when actually ...
Bram Vanroy's user avatar
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Table rendering in editor, but not in question [duplicate]

I found this question. Their Markdown table does not render as a table on the question. I went to edit it, but in the editor, it renders fine! (While writing this post, the author commented, reporting ...
Nat Riddle's user avatar
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Table formatted correctly in preview, but not when question is posted [duplicate]

There appears to be a slight inconsistency in the rendering of tables in Markdown. If a table isn't preceded by an empty line, then the table is rendered properly in the draft editor, but not when the ...
r3mainer's user avatar
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Table rendering currently broken in Stack Overflow previews

Currently, when I add a table to a question or answer in Stack Overflow, it is not being rendered properly in previews. It appears to currently work on other sites in the Stack Exchange network, as ...
M. Justin's user avatar
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Markdown table works in preview but not when I post the content [duplicate]

I wrote a question using a Markdown table without an empty line between the previous paragraph and the table. It showed correctly in the preview and when I clicked "Review your question", ...
mjaggard's user avatar
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